I have a page where an ajax event grid is loaded. I also have on this screen a menu of actions.
Once accessed, the page is loaded (including the action menu), and the events grid, being heavier is loading separately.
What’s happening is that while the events table doesn’t fully load, I can’t trigger an action.
Example: I enter the page and the events grid starts loading (I see in the console the pending request) When I click on any link, the request is made, but only completed after the event grid finishes loading. At this moment, two pending requests are in the console only: the one of the event grid, and the one of the link I clicked.
Somebody’s got a light on how to fix this problem?
All requisitions are asynchronous. I think about aborting pending requests when clicking on an action, but how??
Would this answer your question? http://answall.com/questions/22589/interrup%C3%A7%C3%A3o-de-uma-requisi%C3%A7%C3%A3o-ass%C3%Adncrona
– bfavaretto