Focus tooltip vuejs


Viewed 27 times


Good evening, you guys. I’m trying to give FOCUS a tooltip when the result of a query made by the user returns empty.

When the user types something in the text field, I perform a validation upon the result.

if (!result.length) { this.$store.commit('page/noSearchResult', true); }

In case the transfer comes empty, I’m true in a variable in the store. Inside the component that has the tooltip, I have an Observer (watch) for this variable that is in the store.

'$': 'switchAdvancedSearchFocus',

And when her value is true, i try to give focus to my toolptip that way.

switchAdvancedSearchFocus() {
                if (this.$ {
                    this.advancedTextSearch = true;

But all I have is this mistake:

Error in callback for watcher "$": "TypeError: this.$refs.tooltipAdvanced.focus is not a function"

How can I solve this effectively ?

  • What gives console.log(Array.isArray(this.$refs), typeof this.$refs); within that switchAdvancedSearchFocus?

  • Good evening Sergio, Thanks for helping me. I put a console exactly as in your comment inside the func: the result was : false "Object"

  • Okay, and you’ve tested this.$refs.tooltipAdvanced.$el.focus()?

  • Already. In this case, I have no error message, however the tooltip does not open.

  • this.$refs.tooltipAdvanced can be a component or a DOM element, your code does not show this... Your code also does not show how the tooltip is activated. You have to show more code.... Test this.$nextTick(() => this.$refs.tooltipAdvanced.focus();); in the hope that when you call focus the tooltip is already in the DOM and that this.$refs.tooltipAdvanced be an element of the DOM

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