Comparing Ides to java


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Next semester I will have to choose between two Ides: Netbeans and Eclipse.

I will need to develop desktop apps, and I’m having doubts about:

  • Tools for graphical user interface
  • Hardware Requirements for considerable performance
  • DBMS compatibility (Postgressql)

Taking into account the configuration of my notebook, the fact that the use is for study (College),taking into account the standard program, without plugins and extensions, what I need to know about one or the other?

  • 9

    This question is based on religions. Several good questions generate some degree of opinion based on religion of evangelists...

  • if you have an average computer use eclipse as it is lighter but if you have a better PC use netbeans because it has more functionality and you end up being more productive.

  • 2

    I think some issues and third party statements are worsening the question. I have my doubts if you can save her unless you radically change and focus on a specific point. While asking for a general comparison without criterion does not go forward. He opened discussion on the goal:

  • 3

    Download both. Both support Maven.You can use the best of each IDE (e.g., Netbeans UI editor and Eclipse OSGI support). No one will be able to tell you which is the best IDE for your case besides you (they all do the basics - code Completion, Refactoring, navigation, debugging, etc - very well). Lightness, responsiveness and organization of features is a matter of taste.

1 answer


The differences between the Netbeans and the eclipse are very few, so this subject quickly turns based on opinions, however are here some specifications:


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Supported Operating System:

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inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Editor resources:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Test tools:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Plugins available:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Version Control:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Supported databases: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Download total:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Minimum memory: img

As you can repair the two IDE’s are very similar, so don’t opt for either and use both, both serve to program Java so both will suit you, on top of that you will use at the educational level, so what you need, is to have some experience not an "expert" of IDE, so in the future IF in the company where you work use one or the other you will be more at ease and then you will pass to an expert of the IDE with which the company works.

  • Eclipse also supports version controls other than Git, but for that it depends on plugins. It also supports Postgresql (it has a JDBC driver for it), but the way it’s written gives the impression that only Netbeans supports it, which is not true.

  • @Piovezan how you can repair I went to get the information to the link I posted, it is not of my authorship, however as for "Postgresql" I have no knowledge but I believe perfectly that it works, now as the version control is correct, as you said yourself " supports version controls other than Git, but for this it depends on plugins"

  • 1

    But that answered my question, because I don’t want to be installing plugins...

  • 1

    Both Ides are modular. This is true for the Netbeans Platform (with its own module system, walking towards Apache Felix) and for the Eclipse Platform (up at Equinox). By definition both IDES are composed of a collection of plug-ins. The main difference here is just the initial download. The All Right Netbeans distribution supports a number of things that Eclipse’s Java EE standard distribution does not address (and vice versa); on the other hand, it is not difficult to find "all inclusive" Eclipse distributions like Myeclipse.

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