Doubt about a Fragmentstateadapter constructor


Viewed 28 times


Fragmentstateadapter has three builders according to the documentation.

(@Nonnull fragmentActivity: Fragmentactivity)

(@Nonnull Fragment: Fragment)

(@Nonnull fragmentManager: Fragmentmanager,@Nonnull Lifecycle: Lifecycle)

In my class I’m using the first, that way:

class PagerAdapter(val fragmentActivity: FragmentActivity) : FragmentStateAdapter(fragmentActivity) {



And I hereby instate in Mainactivity:

pager.adapter = PagerAdapter(this@MainActivity)

this@MainActivity which is an Appcompatactivity is passed as parameter, android studio does not point out as error and the app works normally.

The question is my Mainactivity shouldn’t it be a Fragmentactivity? Are there scenarios that I might have some kind of problem with this type of implementation? Remembering that I do not use the fragmentActivity variable within any Pageradapter method.

1 answer



Face the Appcompatactivity extends from Fragmentactivity.

so Android Studio does not point out as error, and your app works normally.

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