I’m trying to create some queries and mutations, on Node with Graphql. I’ve tried how to solve the problem and I can’t find a solution. I wonder if someone could help me?
In the project I put the dependencies graphql-yoga and Mongoose.
I’m setting up a Mutation that "draws" money from an "account". I can execute by decreasing the value of the balance in the database. The problem is when you try to withdraw larger amount than the account balance. I needed at that time to show error that you do not have enough balance.
The Application is only displaying NULL balance, and does not display the error message. They know how to include in the Mutation return??
Everything else is working.
Below the code of the file resolvers.js (in Mutation withdraw, after itentify the insufficient balance error, I error, the application leaves the stream and enters the catch. But I don’t know how to log in to the error message. I only played on the console.
const Conta = require("./Conta");
let newSaldo;
module.exports = {
Query: {
contas: () => Conta.find(),
conta: (root, { numero }) => Conta.findOne({ numero }),
Mutation: {
createConta: (root, { numero, saldo, cliente }) => Conta.create({ numero, saldo, cliente }),
depositar: (root, { numero, valor }) => Conta.findOne({numero})
.then(() => Conta.updateOne({numero},{$inc:{saldo : valor}}))
.then(() => Conta.findOne({numero})),
sacar: (root, { numero, valor }) => Conta.findOne({numero})
.then(value => {
newSaldo = value.saldo
if (valor > value.saldo) {
throw new Error("Saldo Insuficiente")
newSaldo = value.saldo - valor
.then(() => Conta.updateOne({numero},{$set:{saldo: newSaldo}}))
.then(() => Conta.findOne({numero}))
.catch((err) => console.log(err))
schema.graphql file
type Conta {
id: ID!
numero: String!
saldo: Float!
cliente: String!
type Query {
contas: [Conta!]
conta(numero: Int!): Conta
type Mutation {
createConta(numero: Int!, saldo: Float!, cliente: String!): Conta
depositar(numero: Int!, valor: Float!): Conta
sacar(numero: Int!, valor: Float!): Conta
Below the execution of Mutation, with return, to an account that does not have enough balance. Displaying NULL Balance. I need to return the error message on this screen. They can help??
Have you ever tried to create a
and return it in the resolve? I do not know if thePromise.reject
will have effect inside thethen
– Denis Rudnei de Souza
Something thus
– Denis Rudnei de Souza
Adding, below the promisse line.Reject, a catch, I stopped receiving the Node error (Unhandledpromiserejectionwarning). However, I still don’t know how to play this error for Mutation’s return.I will update the code in the question
– renanq
With that you prevent the error to be propagated to solve it
– Denis Rudnei de Souza
So how should I treat it? Any idea? I accept the business mistake, but I can never display it in return.
– renanq
I always return to Promise pro resolver, if error shows that failed, in case of success it brings the data
– Denis Rudnei de Souza
I made an error, but it is a business error. So no error shows me the account balance. I need you to display an error/insufficient balance message
– renanq
I was able to create an error from the rest of the stream. However, it displays a response with NULL balance, I need it to display the error message. How can I do this in catch??? I changed the body of my question with new code
– renanq
Fez of that form, I only let the error go up, I do not believe that has to return the error, as if it was the result of the query itself, it will return a null value, since there is nothing to return, the error comes separate. Here an address with the code working
– Denis Rudnei de Souza