Asked 11 years ago
Viewed 216 times
How can I clear the Targets generated from the project when we deploy for Jboss?
What do you call target? What is this?
– uaiHebert
target is a folder it generates in <name_project>-ejb, <name_project>-Ear and <name_project>-web
– Didio
Why don’t you delete the folder before deploy? It’s a common practice.
If you’re using Maven, just run mvn clean
Browser other questions tagged java jsf jpa-2.0
What do you call target? What is this?
– uaiHebert
target is a folder it generates in <name_project>-ejb, <name_project>-Ear and <name_project>-web
– Didio
Why don’t you delete the folder before deploy? It’s a common practice.
– uaiHebert