Javascript - Stop Condition


Viewed 93 times


I want to ask several names typed via prompt, and have some stop condition, I thought this condition being a number, but I did not succeed.

let nomes = []
let dado = ""

while(dado == String){
    dado = prompt("Digite um nome para continuar o programa, ou digite o número 0 para encerra-lo.")
    if(typeof(dado) == String) nomes.push(dado)
    if(dado == 0) parseInt(dado)

for(i = nomes.length; i == 0; i--){
  • 2

    if(dado == 0) break

  • But why would I need standstill condition if the very prompt has the function cancelar? It would not be better to change the text? Digite um nome para continuar o programa, ou clique em cancelar para encerra-lo.

1 answer


Your code has some problems:

  1. String is a function, when comparing it with the variable dado will always return false

  2. The return of expression typeof <variavel> will be a string, and if type is string will be "string" (all in tiny)

  3. No reason to evaluate the type returned by the function prompt, semrpe will be a string, even if you type a number, for example, when you type 0, it will return "0"

  4. Unless the name array is empty its loop for will never be executed, the way the condition should be i != 0

let nomes = []
let dado = ''

// Se for digitado '0', o loop é encerrado
while(dado !== '0') {
    dado = prompt('Digite um nome para continuar o programa, ou digite o número 0 para encerra-lo.')

    // Se não for digitado '0' adiciona aos nomes
    if (dado !== '0') nomes.push(dado)

// Uma sintaxe diferente para fazer o loop
for (const nome of nomes) console.log(nome)

  • I liked the solution, but ifs and inline Fors without keys makes understanding difficult, even the JS allowing this.

  • It is a matter of point of view, considering that the question uses them, the user knows how it works

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