If condition breaks before changing the value of the variable


Viewed 57 times


The idea of the system is, while one of the bollean is false, the send button releases to the click. I compare the src of the files, and if one of them is equal to './img/armerVermelha.png', the result variable is false. The code goes like this:


<label id='a' class='a'>
    <img class='images' src='./img/cadeira.png'/>
    <img class='images' src='./img/cadeiraVermelha.png'/>

<!--nessa label, a img começa com cadeiraVermelha-->
<label id='b' class='a'>
     <img class='images' src='./img/cadeiraVermelha.png'/>
      <img class='images' src='./img/cadeira.png'/>

<label id='c' class='a'>
    <img class='images' src='./img/cadeira.png'/>
    <img class='images' src='./img/cadeiraVermelha.png'/>
<input id='bnt' type='submit' value='Enviar' disabled>


function enableBnt(){
    var label = document.getElementsByClassName('a');
    var bnt=document.getElementById('bnt');//pega o botão

    for(let i=0; i<label.length;i++){
        var cadeiras=label[i].children[0];//pega as primeiras cadeiras

        var result = true;
            var result = false;//se 1 deles for vermelho
        /*me mostra apenas a primeira cadeira true,
          mas quebra antes de altera pra false na segunda*/

        /*Era pra testar se tivesse alterado pra false, mas o valor
          não chega a trocar*/
            bnt.disabled = false;
            bnt.disabled = true;

window.addEventListener("load", function(){

I tried to take the break to return all the changes and change the value, but it would only work in the last label, because in this situation it is the second label that starts with the 'armerVermelha', when it arrives in the third one the value is back to be 'true'. Could someone help me? I thank you in advance.Para dar uma visualização melhor da minha dúvida, o meu primeiro if quer ver se tem alguma imagem com a cadeira vermelha, se tiver, a 'var result' fica false, porém, como visto na imagem, a variável não aparece como false, o break para a condição antes de trocar a variável

  • I could understand the logic no. If one of the first chairs nay for red, release "send" button? Or it’s the other way around?

2 answers


From what I understand, you should put the if which will enable or disable the button after the for, why are you using break to stop it. So when the condition inside the for is met, the loop will stop and will not arrive at the second if.

To make it simple, you don’t even need another if, just use the value of the result:

// aqui fica o for
// aqui irá desabilitar/habilitar o botão de acordo com o valor de result
bnt.disabled = result;
  • It would be like this, each label has two images, what I want to analyze is the first image of the label (the Children[0] of the label). If all of them are the normal chair('./img/chair.png'), the input from Ubmit remains disabled; now if one of them is the red chair('./img/chair.png'), I want the input disabled to be false. Got very confused?

  • 1

    That’s exactly what I put in the answer does.


I didn’t understand what you wanted exactly but I added this line of code that now compares the 2 "children" of the label, since before it compared only the first and not the second.

See if that helps you buddy

function enableBnt(){
    var label = document.getElementsByClassName('a');
    var bnt=document.getElementById('bnt');//pega o botão

    for(let i=0; i<label.length;i++){
        for(let x=0; x<label[i].children.length;x++){
            var cadeiras=label[i].children[x];//pega as primeiras cadeiras

            var result = true;
                var result = false;//se 1 deles for vermelho
        /*me mostra apenas a primeira cadeira true,
          mas quebra antes de altera pra false na segunda*/

        /*Era pra testar se tivesse alterado pra false, mas o valor
          não chega a trocar*/
            bnt.disabled = false;
            bnt.disabled = true;

window.addEventListener("load", function(){

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