Error trying to save git repository log to txt (Python) file


Viewed 74 times


Hello, I’m trying to write a code in Python to save a git log from a git repository to a file . txt in a different directory using the function subprocess.Popen(). I know the command line syntax is:

git -C [diretorioGit] log --first-parent --pretty="%H" > [diretorio/arquivoDestino]

but when trying to do using the Python function:

subprocess.Popen(["git", "-C", "github_repos/ChainLink-Token", "log", "--first-parent", "--pretty="+ "%H", '>' ,"../../github_commits/ChainLink-Token_commits.txt"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()

the following error appears:

fatal: ambiguous argument '>': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:
'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'

someone would know the error?

Note: why the command line is working

Thank you in advance

  • Tries '--pretty="%H"' .

  • Thanks for trying to help my friend, but it didn’t work

  • If the command works interactively, surely the problem revolves around those quotation marks of %H, because the way it is in the question is clearly wrong (the quotation marks will not be part of the command invoked by Popen()).

1 answer


One option, is for you to run git commands on Popen and with the return of the method, write to the file:

import subprocess

proc = subprocess.Popen(["git", "-C", ".", "log", "--first-parent", '--pretty="%H"'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()

with open("ChainLink-Token_commits.txt", "w") as log:
    [log.write(data.decode("utf-8")) for data in proc if data]

This even gives the possibility to change the way the data is recorded in the text file... Of course, if necessary.

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