Display JS variable in HTML


Viewed 69 times


Speak people, I have a js variable that counts the number of points based on a questionnaire, it counts the points correctly, just do not know how I can display this variable value in my html, someone can help please?

Here is my js

function contarPontos() {
    if (!localStorage.pontos) {
        localStorage.pontos = 0;
    localStorage.pontos = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("pontos")) + 10;

And here’s my HTML where I want to display

                    <div class="mu-title">
                        <span class="style-texto-conclusao">Sua pontuação foi pontos!</span>
                        <div id="contarPontos"></div>

1 answer


In your case just use the innerHTML to display the score. Simply retrieve the score and assign it to the element with the id=contarPontos.

function contarPontos() {
    if (!localStorage.pontos) {
        localStorage.pontos = 0;
    localStorage.pontos = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("pontos")) + 10;
    document.getElementById("contarPontos").innerHTML = localStorage.pontos;

If you are using jQuery, can do so


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