Mailer Error: SMTP connect()


Viewed 665 times


This class was created to send product purchase information to the email box, but an error ("Mailer Error: SMTP connect() failed.")


class EnviarEmail extends PHPMailer {
   * inicializa a classe com os dados iniciais
   * @return void
    function __construct() {

        // defino que é SMTP        
                // se é em HTML
                 // codificação charset padrao UTF8
        $this->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
        // modo debug 0=off 1 e 2=mostram informações do envio ou erros
        $this->SMTPDebug = 0;
        //Indica a porta do seu servidor
        $this->Port = Config::EMAIL_PORTA; 
        // //seu servidor smtp
        $this->Host = Config::EMAIL_HOST; 
        //define se tem ou autenticação no SMTP
        $this->SMTPAuth = Config::EMAIL_SMTPAUTH; 
                // define dados do remetendo EMAIL, SENHA  da conta SMTP
        $this->FromName    = Config::EMAIL_NOME;
        $this->From        = Config::EMAIL_USER;
        $this->Username    = Config::EMAIL_USER;
        $this->Password    = Config::EMAIL_SENHA;


    /** * Envia o email propriamente dito
   * @return void
   * $setor = setor , $destinatario=email dominio, assunto, msg
         * $reply = email que vai a resposta 
    function Enviar($assunto, $msg, $destinatarios=array()) {

                  //seto dados da mensagem
        $this->Subject      = $assunto;
        $this->Body         = $msg;

                // email de resposta
                //  $this->AddReplyTo($reply);
                // email para receber  uma cópia
     //   $this->Addcc(Config::EMAIL_COPIA);

                 //passando um laço para pegar todos os destinatarios       
        foreach($destinatarios as $email):

                $this->AddAddress($email, $email); //PARA MIM


                 //enviando o email 
            if (parent::Send()):


            echo "<h4>Mailer Error: " . $this->ErrorInfo . "</h4>";



inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

2 answers


Can be n things, I’ve had problems with SMTP connection for a while, does the following:

1- Change the value of Smtpdebug to 1 or 2 p/ see if the connection tells you exactly where the error is, reading the error stack is critical and sometimes saves us a lot of time;

2- check if EMAIL_HOST is correct, if you are using gmail stmp is this ->, if it is not, check the correct address according to the email you are using, on port 587

3- Still speaking in gmail, if using of course, enables the option "Access to less secure app"

Another thing I noticed is that you are not passing $mail->Smtpsecure, it is important to enable TLS encryption

  • I’ve done all these procedures before gmail, but still presents the same error


This means that the email server parameters (Config::EMAIL_HOST and the like) do not point to a functional SMTP server. The problem does not seem to be in the code posted.

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