Error debugging with Docker in Visual Studio 2019 with Windows 10 Home: Current user is not in "Docker Users" group


Viewed 126 times


Hello, I created an Core MVC project on VS2019. Automatically, the first debug option is "Docker", but when I try to run, the following error is displayed:

CTC1010 O usuário atual não está no grupo "Usuários do Docker". Adicione-se ao grupo "Usuários do Docker" e, em seguida, faça logoff e logon novamente no Windows.

All the searches I did indicated to do what the message indicates: add the user to the group "Docker users", but my Windows 10 is Home Single Language, and therefore has limitation in the management of user groups. (My Docker is Toolbox, as W.Home does not have Hyper-v.)

To official documentation speaks to go in "Computer Management", and expand "Users and local groups", but this option does not exist in my version of Windows. The "lusrmgr" shortcut for the same option says it cannot be used in my Windows version, and asks to use "User Accounts" from the control panel, which also has no group management.

Using the "Add-Localgroupmember" function in the Powershell with group name "Docker-users" or "Docker Users", says that the group was not found. When listing groups with "Get-Localgroup", there is no Docker group.

Using Docker’s Interactive Shell, I can run an image normally, like:

docker run hello-world

So I believe the problem is in the configuration of Visual Studio.
(I have also tried to delete vsdbg and onecoremsvsmon folders, and I have already given permission for "All" in Properties>Security to vsdbg folder).

If anyone has an idea on how to solve this problem, I’d appreciate it. I’d like to use Docker with VS2019 for teaching purposes.

  • An alternative is for you to upgrade your windows to the Insider version. With this version (release 2004, which will be released soon) you will be able to use Docker Desktop via WSL 2 even without Hyper-V support. It may be a good alternative if you can’t wait until this update is released.

  • Have you already validated? I am almost sure that Visual Studio does not support Docker Toolbox.

  • @Luizcarlosfaria yes, it does not support. I added an answer on 25/02, showing in the documentation that this is the problem, but the answer was removed by administrators, and for this and other experiences with bad admins, I gave up stackoverflow in Portuguese, so I left here.

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