Calculate deadlines other than on weekends


Viewed 892 times


I’ll have a system that will have a term of days Ex: 30 days.

I need to calculate a given date within a given deadline, which in case it is a weekend is interpreted as the last working day within the deadline.


Today: 09-12-2014, Term: 11 days

Should fall in the day 20-12-2014(Saturday), however the system should identify and reduce the deadline to 10 days and inform the final date for the deadline that will be 19-12-2014.

  • 1

    It’s not the full answer but it’s a course to follow :echo date('d/m/Y', strtotime('+5 days', strtotime('14-07-2014'))); sum 5 days from the date of '14-07-2014' to do from today echo date('d/m/Y', strtotime('+5 days'));

  • 1

    For example: $data = today; I have to check if ($date minus 1 day) is Saturday/Sunday or I have to check if $date is Saturday/Sunday?

  • If the final date is Saturday or Sunday I have to make it "give as deadline" the Friday to be working day.

  • Do you then need that given a period of for example 30 days, counting from today, to inform the final date, given that if the final day is a Saturday or Sunday, it is changed to Friday? I couldn’t understand what you needed.

  • I’m seeing something like this: $days = 30; // Input Ex $dataFinal = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+" . $days . "day", strtotime("now"))); // Here I’ll get the final date + 30 with this I think we can start. Because I will enter in the database the date of Today and also this final Tada and then I make a diff of SQL to try to show the user time of days left. The question now is weekend.

  • About weekend we will see example: Being today’s date 09/12/2014 and more 11 days will fall on 20/12/2014 ie Saturday! With this so I tell the user that the day limit for him to solve THAT, will be day 19/12/2014 by Saturday will not be working day. Check it out? : D

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1 answer


This method calculates a deadline so that a deadline is not a Saturday or Sunday.

function calcularPrazo($prazoPrevio){
    $dataSTR = date('d-m-Y'); //hoje

    $data = explode('-',$dataSTR);

    //time do dia que sera o dia final do prazo previo
    $time = mktime(0, 0, 0, $data[1], intval($data[0]) + $prazoPrevio, $data[2]);

    $diaSemana = date("w", $time);

        case 0: //domingo
            //subtrair mais dois dias
            $prazoPrevio -= 2;
        case 6: //sabado
            //subtrair mais um dias
            $prazoPrevio -= 1;

    $time = mktime(0, 0, 0, $data[1], intval($data[0]) + $prazoPrevio, $data[2]);
    return date('d-m-Y',$time);
echo calcularPrazo(11);

Example working on Ideone

  • Function is working well, now a future implementation in it of how it would look in the matter of holidays in the week?

  • 1

    I’ll do some research and try to implement this method.

  • 1

    Holidays get complicated, because there are holidays like Carnival that do not have specific days, every year are different dates.

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