Python: Import command gets gray in Pycharm


Viewed 336 times


I need help. I’m Newbie and I’m starting to study Python with the Guanabara videos on Youtube, to then invest in an Ead platform.

I installed Python 3 and Pycharm and the "import" command was working normally. Every time I try to import a library, for example import datetime, once I press Enter, the command is gray.

Did I disable something?inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • This happens on all lines?

  • 1

    No, just the first line. I also asked this question to a colleague and he told me that the import will be gray until I use one of the functions, then the import command will be colored again. Interesting that. Picking up and learning rssss... Thank you!

1 answer


In Pycharm, when the import is gray, it means it is not being used...

If you use it anyway, for example:

current_time =

it will turn colorful.

Pycharm offers some plugins to make your life easier... One of them is the Sonarlint, that shows some possible errors, as well as unused Imports.

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