Remove tag in XML generation with Xstream


Viewed 145 times


How can we remove the tag <list> automatically generated on XStream during the serialization process? I have three classes for this scenario: one for test and two to feed data that will be generated in xml.

Test class:

public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<Object> balancos = new ArrayList<Object>();
XStreamBalancoTester tester = new XStreamBalancoTester();

XStream xstream = new XStream(new DomDriver()); //Stax imprime em linha unica com cabeçalho
xstream.alias("balanco", Balanco.class);
xstream.alias("operacao", Operacao.class);      
balancos = tester.getBalancos(5);
String xml = xstream.toXML(balancos);

XML Generated:

<id >5< /id>
<papel>ub22< /papel>
<valor>30.62< /valor>
<quantidade>150.0< /quantidade>
<data>2020-01-27 19:50:12.937 UTC< /data>

I’ve tried with xstream.omitField(Name.class, “tag”) and xstream.addImplicitCollection(Name.class, “tag”) but they didn’t work out.

1 answer


In accordance with this post, you can use the Annotation @XStreamImplicit as follows:

   ArrayList<OrderLine> orderLines;

Or using the method addImplicitCollection as below:

xstream.addImplicitCollection(Order.class, "orderLines", "OrderLine", OrderLine.class);

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