Error in classxml


Viewed 133 times


Could someone tell me how to fix this mistake?

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Acessarserver.php file:

$xml = simplexml_load_file("server.php?id=8");
echo $xml;

File server.php:


$xml = new Xml();

$erro = 0;

$idproduto = $_GET['id'];


if($idproduto=='') {

    $erro = '1';
    $msg  = 'codigo invalido!';
} else {

    $erro = '2';
    $msg  = 'codigo valido!';

echo $xml;

classxml.php file:


 * Description of XmlClass
 * @author Rafael
class Xml {

    private $xml;
    private $tab = 1;
    public function __construct($version="1.0", $encoding="UTF-8") {
        $this->xml .= "<?xml version='$version' encoding='$encoding'?>\n";

    public function openTag($name){
        $this->xml .= "<$name>\n";

    public function closeTag($name){
        $this->xml .= "</$name>\n";        

    public function addTag($name, $value){
        $this->xml .= "<$name>$value</$name>\n";

    private function addTab(){
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->tab; $i++){
            $this->xml .= "\t";

    public function __toString() {
        return $this->xml;

1 answer


Your XML file is invalid, that is, it has syntax error. To check whether the file is valid or not, pass it in an XML validator like this

  • The error is at the beginning of the class. But I already searched a lot and I couldn’t find the solution. ERROR(Content is not allowed in Prolog) help people!

  • Did you at least pass the file in the validator? Save the XML file and validate if the format generated by the class is correct.

  • Another thing: the server.php file has an error, you have q inform q the return is XML by putting the following code in the first line of the server.php: header("Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8");

  • I passed Filipe. The error(Content is not allowed in Prolog) was in this line: $this->xml .= " <? xml version='$version' encoding='$encoding'? > n";. I passed another validator and the error was this:Error in XML processing: incorrect formatting Row number 7, column 71: $this->xml .=" <? xml version='$version' encoding='$encoding' ? > n";

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