Display: Does None really affect seo?


Viewed 128 times


On my hidden quiz site about 95% of the questions and answers content (text and images).

I leave visible only a small area with an image, the title of the quiz and a description, and finally a button "Start Quiz".

After clicking on "Start Quiz", the question begins to appear one by one until the answer arrives.

Can this affect the site in the ranking? by the fact that almost everything is hidden?

I saw some questions similar to this but unlike this, were using display None to hide keywords.

  • 1

    At least Google, its engine acts on the page Dom, however, the invisible element remains visible to Google. I don’t know any more Seos, but it shouldn’t be any different.

1 answer


The Spyders will read your DOM/HTML, and not your CSS, but...

By the fact that you are hiding the content on the screen this will harm the screen readers, although it is not possible to state that qq screen reader you’ll be able to read something with display:none your website may become less accessible to screen readers, which may harm your accessibility note

I remember there may be two other problems in having DOM many "hidden" elements with display:none, the first and least serious is the error of Avoid an excessive DOM size you can consult more here: https://web.dev/dom-size/

And the second problem is you fall into some policy of black hat from Google, which can punish you for trying to hide links and other interactive elements with display: none;, then we highly recommend that you never use this:None display on links

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

You can check your accessibility note on the flap Audits for DevTools Chrome, this note yes can interfere with your ranking.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

And here the report where you should check this question of hidden content for the screen readers

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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