Formatting Javascript data


Viewed 65 times


The date is filled in according to the information obtained from a JSON response


 $(document).ready(function () {
        source: function (query, process) {
            return $.get('@Url.Action("PesquisarAlgumaCoisa", "AlgumaCoisa")', { nome: query, somenteAtivas: '@Model.SomenteAtivas' }, function (data) {
                return process(data);
            }, "json");
        autoSelect: true
    }).change(function (event) {
        var current = $("getActive");
        if (current && == $( {

 function dataFormatada(data){
        dia  = data.getDate().toString(),
        diaF = (dia.length == 1) ? '0'+dia : dia,
        mes  = (data.getMonth()+1).toString(), //+1 pois no getMonth Janeiro começa com zero.
        mesF = (mes.length == 1) ? '0'+mes : mes,
        anoF = data.getFullYear();
    return diaF+"/"+mesF+"/"+anoF;

Perceba que a data vem em formato americano

I’ve tried in some ways, like:



1 answer


To solve this case, I converted to string and did the formatting

   $(".dataFim").html(current.DataFim.toString().substr(0, 10).split('-').reverse().join('/'));

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