How to allow typing only "yes" or "no" with Regexp in an input?


Viewed 131 times


What is the regular expression to allow you to type yes or no only in a field.?

It is allowing repeating the characters and cannot.

$(this).unbind('keyup').bind('keyup',function(e){ //vou buscar o evento keyup - quando o usuário solta a tecla

            var thisVal = $(this).val(); // atribuo o valor do campo a variável local
            var tempVal = "";

            for(var i = 0; i<thisVal.length; i++){
                if(RegExp(/^[s,y,e,n,o]$/).test(thisVal.charAt(i))){ // aqui estou usando uma expressão regular para limitar a entrada de apenas numeros ou seja digitos entre 0 e 9
                    tempVal += thisVal.charAt(i); //caso atenda a condição de ser um digito numérico, atribuo a uma variável temporária

                    if(e.keyCode == 8){
                        tempVal = thisVal.substr(0,i); //o keyCode == 8 é para eu poder usar o backspace para apagar algum numero indesejado.
            $(this).val(tempVal); // ao terminar, atribuo o valor validado ao valor do campo passado para testar
  • 1

    Perhaps the most suitable component was two radio buttons, no?

1 answer


The regular expression that checks whether a string is "yes" or "no" is /^(yes|no)$/. But I believe that conceptually you are using the wrong component for this task.


$('.apenasYesNo').bind('keypress', function(e) {
  var jaDigitado = $(,
      letra = String.fromCharCode(e.which);

  if(!/^(y|ye|yes|n|no)$/.test(jaDigitado + letra)) {
<script src=""></script>
<input class="apenasYesNo" />
<input class="apenasYesNo" />
<input class="apenasYesNo" />

EDIT: You can improve this implementation by allowing the user to edit a character at the beginning of the text by updating the code to:

function permitirApenasHorario(e) {
    var jaDigitado = $(,
        letra = String.fromCharCode(e.which),
        posicaoDoCursor = getCaretPosition(,
        textoPretendido = insert(jaDigitado, posicaoDoCursor, letra);

    if(!regExpDeHorario.test(textoPretendido)) {

Where getCaretPosition (withdrawn from here) is:

function getCaretPosition(field) {
    var caretPosition = 0;

    if (document.selection) { 
        //Suporte ao IE

        var range = document.selection.createRange();
        range.moveStart('character', -field.value.length);
        caretPosition = range.text.length;
    } else if (field.selectionStart || field.selectionStart == '0') {
        // Suporte ao Firefox 
        caretPosition = field.selectionStart;

    return caretPosition;

And insert is:

function insert(string, index, value) {
    return [
        string.substring(0, index),
        string.substring(index, string.length)

Example: This improvement is useful if you want to use this feature to force the user to enter a correct time value, and he may eventually want to edit the hours without erasing the minutes. Try it with regexp: var regExpDeHorario = /^([0-2]|([0-2]|[01]\d|2[0-3])|([0-2]|[01]\d|2[0-3]):|([0-2]|[01]\d|2[0-3]):([0-5])|([0-2]|[01]\d|2[0-3]):([0-5])\d)$/;

  • 1

    very good! +1

  • Very good, that’s just what I needed!. Thank you!

  • more a doubt already this as 'yes' would have a way to type by Ima ? without needing to delete to type the 'no'?

  • What do you mean, @Gustavo? Explain better

  • when copying your code, when you type in the "yes" field you need to delete the "yes" to enter the "no" it does not erase automatically , if I replace the e.preventDefault(); for $( val(""); works more or less.

  • @Gustavo maybe my edition will help you! At a glance, tell me if you understand...!

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