CPF Jquery JS validation


Viewed 170 times



I’m trying to do a validation for Cpf, this code is in Jquery, and without using onclick or something similar in the input, you need to take only the input ID in the form.

Follows the code:

jQuery(function(a) {
    var b = {
        init: function() {
            "0" === wcbcf_public_params.sort_state_country && a(document.body).on("country_to_state_changing", this.country_to_state_changing), "0" !== wcbcf_public_params.person_type && this.person_type_fields(), "yes" === wcbcf_public_params.maskedinput && (a(document.body).on("change", "#billing_country", function() {
                "BR" === a(this).val() ? b.maskBilling() : b.unmaskBilling()
            }), a(document.body).on("change", "#shipping_country", function() {
                "BR" === a(this).val() ? b.maskShipping() : b.unmaskShipping()
            }), this.maskGeneral()), "yes" === wcbcf_public_params.mailcheck && this.emailCheck(), a().select2 && a(".wc-ecfb-select").select2(), "BR" === a("#billing_country").val() && b.maskBilling()
        country_to_state_changing: function() {
            a("#billing_state_field label").html(wcbcf_public_params.state + ' <abbr class="required" title="' + wcbcf_public_params.required + '">*</abbr>'), a("#billing_postcode_field").insertAfter("#billing_country_field"), a("#shipping_state_field").length && (a("#shipping_state_field label").html(wcbcf_public_params.state + ' <abbr class="required" title="' + wcbcf_public_params.required + '">*</abbr>'), a("#shipping_postcode_field").insertAfter("#shipping_country_field"))
        person_type_fields: function() {
            "no" === wcbcf_public_params.only_brazil ? (a(".person-type-field label .required").remove(), a(".person-type-field").addClass("validate-required"), a(".person-type-field label").append(' <abbr class="required" title="' + wcbcf_public_params.required + '">*</abbr>')) : a("#billing_country").on("change", function() {
                "BR" === a(this).val() ? (a(".person-type-field label .required").remove(), a(".person-type-field").addClass("validate-required"), a(".person-type-field label").append(' <abbr class="required" title="' + wcbcf_public_params.required + '">*</abbr>')) : (a(".person-type-field").removeClass("validate-required"), a(".person-type-field label .required").remove())
            }).change(), "1" === wcbcf_public_params.person_type && a("#billing_persontype").on("change", function() {
                var b = a(this).val();
                a("#billing_cpf_field").hide(), a("#billing_rg_field").hide(), a("#billing_company_field").hide(), a("#billing_cnpj_field").hide(), a("#billing_ie_field").hide(), "1" === b && (a("#billing_cpf_field").show(), a("#billing_rg_field").show()), "2" === b && (a("#billing_company_field").show(), a("#billing_cnpj_field").show(), a("#billing_ie_field").show())
        maskBilling: function() {
            b.maskPhone("#billing_phone, #billing_cellphone"), a("#billing_birthdate").mask("00/00/0000"), a("#billing_postcode").mask("00000-000"), a("#billing_phone, #billing_cellphone, #billing_birthdate, #billing_postcode").attr("type", "tel")
        unmaskBilling: function() {
            a("#billing_phone, #billing_cellphone, #billing_birthdate, #billing_postcode").unmask().attr("type", "text")
        maskShipping: function() {
            a("#shipping_postcode").mask("00000-000").attr("type", "tel")
        unmaskShipping: function() {
            a("#shipping_postcode").unmask().attr("type", "text")
        maskGeneral: function() {
            a("#billing_cpf, #credit-card-cpf").mask("000.000.000-00"), a("#billing_cnpj").mask("00.000.000/0000-00"), b.maskPhone("#credit-card-phone")
        maskPhone: function(b) {
            var c = a(b),
                d = function(a) {
                    return 11 === a.replace(/\D/g, "").length ? "(00) 00000-0000" : "(00) 0000-00009"
                e = {
                    onKeyPress: function(a, b, c, e) {
                        c.mask(d.apply({}, arguments), e)
            c.mask(d, e)
        emailCheck: function() {
            a("#wcbcf-mailsuggest").length < 1 && a("#billing_email").after('<div id="wcbcf-mailsuggest"></div>'), a("#billing_email").on("blur", function() {
                a("#wcbcf-mailsuggest").html(""), a(this).mailcheck({
                    suggested: function(b, c) {
                        a("#wcbcf-mailsuggest").html("Você quis dizer: " + c.full + "?")
            }), a("#wcbcf-mailsuggest").css({
                color: "#c00",
                fontSize: "small"

The above code works perfectly, generates the masks and validates e-mail addresses, in case need put CPF validation, so that it is valid, the mask is 999.999.999-99, the input id is:


<input type="tel" class="input-text " name="billing_cpf" id="billing_cpf" placeholder="" value="000.000.000-00" data-qa-id="CPF" required="required" maxlength="14">

Any suggestions?

  • You use some https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24981189/jquery-validation-not-validate-multi-select-box-in-form?

  • No multi select box usage, just : <input type="tel" class="input-text " name="billing_cpf" id="billing_cpf" placeholder=""value="000.000.000-00" data-qa-id="CPF" required="required" maxlength="14">

1 answer


From what I saw of your code, it looks like Magento’s checkout.

Here is an example of how to apply the mask to the CPF

/* global wcbcf_public_params */
/*jshint devel: true */
jQuery( function( $ ) {

	 * Frontend actions
	var wc_ecfb_frontend = {

		 * Initialize frontend actions
		init: function() {
			if ( '0' === wcbcf_public_params.sort_state_country ) {
				$( document.body ).on( 'country_to_state_changing', this.country_to_state_changing );

			if ( '0' !== wcbcf_public_params.person_type ) {

			if ( 'yes' === wcbcf_public_params.maskedinput ) {
				if ( 'BR' === $( '#billing_country' ).val() ) {
				$( document.body ).on( 'change', '#billing_country', function() {
					if ( 'BR' === $( this ).val() ) {
					} else {

				$( document.body ).on( 'change', '#shipping_country', function() {
					if ( 'BR' === $( this ).val() ) {
					} else {


			if ( 'yes' === wcbcf_public_params.mailcheck ) {

			if ( 'yes' === wcbcf_public_params.addresscomplete ) {
				// Auto complete billing address.
				this.addressAutoComplete( 'billing' );
				this.addressAutoCompleteOnChange( 'billing' );

				// Auto complete shipping address.
				this.addressAutoComplete( 'shipping' );
				this.addressAutoCompleteOnChange( 'shipping' );

			// Check if select2 exists.
			if ( $().select2 ) {
				$( '.wc-ecfb-select' ).select2();

		 * Country to state changing.
		 * Fix the fields order.
		country_to_state_changing: function() {
			// Billing.
			$( '#billing_state_field label' ).html( wcbcf_public_params.state + ' <abbr class="required" title="' + wcbcf_public_params.required + '">*</abbr>' );
			$( '#billing_postcode_field' ).insertAfter( '#billing_country_field' );

			// Shipping.
			if ( $( '#shipping_state_field' ).length ) {
				$( '#shipping_state_field label' ).html( wcbcf_public_params.state + ' <abbr class="required" title="' + wcbcf_public_params.required + '">*</abbr>' );
				$( '#shipping_postcode_field' ).insertAfter( '#shipping_country_field' );

		person_type_fields: function() {
			// Required fields.
			if ( 'no' === wcbcf_public_params.only_brazil ) {
                $( '.person-type-field label .required' ).remove();
				$( '.person-type-field' ).addClass( 'validate-required' );
				$( '.person-type-field label' ).append( ' <abbr class="required" title="' + wcbcf_public_params.required + '">*</abbr>' );
			} else {
				$( '#billing_country' ).on( 'change', function () {
					var current = $( this ).val();

					if ( 'BR' === current ) {
                        $( '.person-type-field label .required' ).remove();
						$( '.person-type-field' ).addClass( 'validate-required' );
						$( '.person-type-field label' ).append( ' <abbr class="required" title="' + wcbcf_public_params.required + '">*</abbr>' );
					} else {
						$( '.person-type-field' ).removeClass( 'validate-required' );
						$( '.person-type-field label .required' ).remove();

			if ( '1' === wcbcf_public_params.person_type ) {
				$( '#billing_persontype' ).on( 'change', function () {
					var current = $( this ).val();

					$( '#billing_cpf_field' ).hide();
					$( '#billing_rg_field' ).hide();
					$( '#billing_company_field' ).hide();
					$( '#billing_cnpj_field' ).hide();
					$( '#billing_ie_field' ).hide();

					if ( '1' === current ) {
						$( '#billing_cpf_field' ).show();
						$( '#billing_rg_field' ).show();

					if ( '2' === current ) {
						$( '#billing_company_field' ).show();
						$( '#billing_cnpj_field' ).show();
						$( '#billing_ie_field' ).show();

		maskBilling: function() {
			wc_ecfb_frontend.maskPhone( '#billing_phone, #billing_cellphone' );
			$( '#billing_birthdate' ).mask( '00/00/0000' );
			$( '#billing_postcode' ).mask( '00000-000' );
			$( '#billing_phone, #billing_cellphone, #billing_birthdate, #billing_postcode' ).attr( 'type', 'tel' );

		unmaskBilling: function() {
			$( '#billing_phone, #billing_cellphone, #billing_birthdate, #billing_postcode' ).unmask().attr( 'type', 'text' );

		maskShipping: function() {
			$( '#shipping_postcode' ).mask( '00000-000' ).attr( 'type', 'tel' );

		unmaskShipping: function() {
			$( '#shipping_postcode' ).unmask().attr( 'type', 'text' );

		maskGeneral: function() {
			$( '#billing_cpf, #credit-card-cpf' ).mask( '000.000.000-00' );
			$( '#billing_cnpj' ).mask( '00.000.000/0000-00' );
			wc_ecfb_frontend.maskPhone( '#credit-card-phone' );

		maskPhone: function(selector) {
			var $element = $(selector),
					MaskBehavior = function(val) {
						return val.replace(/\D/g, '').length === 11 ? '(00) 00000-0000' : '(00) 0000-00009';
					maskOptions = {
						onKeyPress: function(val, e, field, options) {
							field.mask(MaskBehavior.apply({}, arguments), options);

			$element.mask(MaskBehavior, maskOptions);

		emailCheck: function() {
			if ( $( '#wcbcf-mailsuggest' ).length < 1 ) {
				$( '#billing_email' ).after( '<div id="wcbcf-mailsuggest"></div>' );

			$( '#billing_email' ).on( 'blur', function () {
				$( '#wcbcf-mailsuggest' ).html( '' );
				$( this ).mailcheck({
					suggested: function( element, suggestion ) {
						$( '#wcbcf-mailsuggest' ).html( 'Você quis dizer: ' + suggestion.full + '?' );

			$( '#wcbcf-mailsuggest' ).css({
				color: '#c00',
				fontSize: 'small'

		addressAutoComplete: function( field ) {
			// Checks with *_postcode field exist.
			if ( $( '#' + field + '_postcode' ).length ) {

				// Valid CEP.
				var cep       = $( '#' + field + '_postcode' ).val().replace( '.', '' ).replace( '-', '' ),
					country   = $( '#' + field + '_country' ).val(),
					address_1 = $( '#' + field + '_address_1' ).val();

				// Check country is BR.
				if ( cep !== '' && 8 === cep.length && 'BR' === country && 0 === address_1.length ) {

					// Gets the address.
						type: 'GET',
						url: '//correiosapi.apphb.com/cep/' + cep,
						dataType: 'jsonp',
						crossDomain: true,
						contentType: 'application/json',
						success: function ( address ) {

							// Address.
							if ( '' !== address.tipoDeLogradouro ) {
								$( '#' + field + '_address_1' ).val( address.tipoDeLogradouro + ' ' + address.logradouro ).change();
							} else {
								$( '#' + field + '_address_1' ).val( address.logradouro ).change();

							// Neighborhood.
							$( '#' + field + '_neighborhood' ).val( address.bairro ).change();

							// City.
							$( '#' + field + '_city' ).val( address.cidade ).change();

							// State.
							$( '#' + field + '_state option:selected' ).attr( 'selected', false ).change();
							$( '#' + field + '_state option[value="' + address.estado + '"]' ).attr( 'selected', 'selected' ).change();

							// Chosen support.
							$( '#' + field + '_state' ).trigger( 'liszt:updated' ).trigger( 'chosen:updated' );

		addressAutoCompleteOnChange: function( field ) {
			$( document.body ).on( 'blur', '#' + field + '_postcode', function() {
				wc_ecfb_frontend.addressAutoComplete( field );


  • Nice, but my code already applies the mask, what I really want is that it checks if the CPF is valid or invalid, that the code does this check.

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