Call PL/SQL precedent with object collection


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Consider the following types:

  meu_id       NUMBER(6),
  meu_nome     VARCHAR2(200)

CREATE TYPE meu_tipo_tabela AS TABLE OF meu_tipo;

And the following package:

create or replace package pkg_test
    procedure meu_procedure(tabela in meu_tipo_tabela);

On the PL/SQL side we could call this Procedure as follows:

    var_minha_tabela meu_tipo_tabela := meu_tipo_tabela(

SQL Fiddle

My question is: How do I make this same call with Java and JDBC?

public void chamarProcedure(List<MeuTipo> minhaLista) {
    final String chamada = "{call PKG_TEST.MEU_PROCEDURE(?)}";
    try (Connection connection = getDataSource().getConnection();
         CallableStatement callableSt = connection.prepareCall(chamada)) {
         // ??? - Código para criar um ARRAY, STRUCT ou algo assim a partir da lista.
         callableSt.setArray(1, ???);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        logger.error("Erro ao chamar procedure", e);
        // Lançamento de exceção não checada

In particular I believe I must somehow create a oracle.sql.ARRAY of meu_tipo_tabela, however, I couldn’t find any example of how to do this (called with ARRAY of complex objects).

  • I found that example with an array of primitives. The same strategy did not work for my complex type array.

  • In the final line String called = "{call PKG_TEST.MEU_PRODECURE(? )}"; did you not try to exchange Bing for the direct passage ? something like end String called = "{call PKG_TEST.MEU_PRODECURE(1,'John')}"; ?

  • Unfortunately this does not work (not simple parameters, it is a collection of complex objects according to the example PL/SQL call).

  • I understand , with a CAST maybe String called = "{call PKG_TEST.MEU_PRODECURE( cast(1,'John') as meu_type)}"; but these solutions I speak to sound like "gambiarra" should have an even more correct form in java

  • 1

    What is the error that occurs when trying to turn the example with a collection of primitives into a collection of complex objects? Have you seen the Oracle JDBC driver documentation? The link to the 10g version is this: There are examples of how to use STRUCT and ARRAY, although you also haven’t found an example combining the two yet.

1 answer


Posting the solution to other users who eventually encounter the same problem.

The commenting of Marcus helped me kill the riddle.

Actually what we need to build is a ARRAY of STRUCTS. Each of these structures requires a TypeDescriptor and an array of attributes (in the case of STRUCT we can also use a Map of attributes; see the builders of STRUCT). As the demonstration of the solution is somewhat complex I created a repository on Github.

A brief description of the technique used:

  1. The call of Procedure follows the template question. The input parameter is of the proprietary type oracle.sql.ARRAY:

    public void chamarProcedure(List<MeuTipo> minhaLista) {
        final String chamada = "{call PKG_TEST.MEU_PROCEDURE(?)}";
        try (Connection connection = getConnection();
             CallableStatement callableSt = connection.prepareCall(chamada)) {
            final ARRAY minhaTabela = toArray(minhaLista, connection);
            callableSt.setArray(1, minhaTabela);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
  2. The method toArray creates an array to type STRUCT[] from the list items. The STRUCT[] is then wrapped with a oracle.sql.ARRAY. To this end, the descriptors for MEU_TIPO and MEU_TIPO_TABELA:

    private ARRAY toArray(List<MeuTipo> minhaLista, Connection connection) 
            throws SQLException {
        final STRUCT[] structArray = new STRUCT[minhaLista.size()];
        final ListIterator<MeuTipo> iterator = minhaLista.listIterator();
        final StructDescriptor structDescriptor = StructDescriptor
                .createDescriptor("MEU_TIPO", connection);
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            structArray[iterator.nextIndex()] = 
                   toStruct(, structDescriptor, connection);
        final ArrayDescriptor arrayDescriptor = ArrayDescriptor
                .createDescriptor("MEU_TIPO_TABELA", connection);
        return new ARRAY(arrayDescriptor, connection, structArray);
  3. Finally the method toStruct creates a Object[] from an item to type MeuTipo. As in step 2 o Object[] is wrapped with a oracle.sql.STRUCT. The values in the Object[] must obey the order of attributes of the declared object on the Oracle side:

    private STRUCT toStruct(MeuTipo meuTipo, StructDescriptor structDescriptor, Connection connection) throws SQLException {
        final Object[] attributes = new Object[]{meuTipo.getMeuId(), meuTipo.getMeuNome()};
        return new STRUCT(structDescriptor, connection, attributes);

Reference: Soen - How to call oracle stored Procedure which include user-defined type in java?

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