Delete a record after making a query?


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Exists as after a query delete the returned result from a bank?

I have a message table (from,to,message) each time I refer I should delete the read message(s).

  • I imagine you are looking for an automatic mode, because using the same SELECT criteria in a DELETE you will delete the newly made query...

  • select can ensure that data has been extracted, not read, information could be lost, a solution could be (depends on the application) read the latest data and an EVENT erases records prior to a time X. But direct and in a single operation does not occur to me.

  • Yes, only the problem is that I can have insertions during the query. And when I delete * there are new unread records

  • Maybe if I stored the id of the queried objects and delete afterwards.

  • Record the insertion date & time and use this data&time to know which new (select) and which old (delete).

  • 4

    It would be easier with a field of status (read or not) to the message. I imagine you have this field, but post the table structure to give a better overview of the issue.

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1 answer


You can create a Stored Procedure in your database. See an example:


USE `database`$$

DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `consultaMensagem`$$

CREATE PROCEDURE `consultaMensagem`(IN idMensagem INT)
    SELECT * FROM mensagem WHERE id = idMensagem;   
    DELETE FROM mensagem WHERE id = idMensagem;


database -> your database query -> name of your process idMensage -> input parameter for query and deletion

Amid BEGIN and END you develop your database, in case this performs a query in the database filtering all records that have the id = idMensagem (parameter passed to precedent). Then, with the same filter, run a DELETE, thus eliminating the message consulted.

To execute the procedure, do so:

Call consultaMensagem(1);

Thus, the message with id = 1 will be returned and deleted soon after.

  • In fact as I do not know if it has message or not, my select is like this SELECT * FROM MENSAGEM WHERE para=para

  • No problem @Thiago, just change the WHERE of SELECT and of DELETE

  • created as your example, but it is deleting all messages instead of deleting only from the user passed by the parameter: CREATE DEFINER='root'@'localhost' PROCEDURE 'consultaMensagem'(IN idpara INT)

 SELECT * FROM mensagens WHERE idpara = idpara; 
 DELETE FROM mensagens WHERE idpara = idpara;


  • I did a test here @Thiago and I realized when the name of the field and the parameter it receives has the same name, it gets lost and ends up displaying and, consequently, removing everything. Tries to change the name of your input parameter idpara for idReceptor, for example.

  • It worked! Thank you!

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