Error - Warning: Cannot Modify header information


Viewed 14 times


I’m trying to make a footer on the site with access to the bank to show the logged in user, but when soon gives this error, I already searched and could not solve.

my footer:


if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
if ((!isset($_SESSION['usuario']) == TRUE) && (!isset($_SESSION['senha']) == TRUE) && (!isset($_SESSION['id']) == TRUE) && (!isset($_SESSION['perfil']) == TRUE) && (!isset($_SESSION['nome']) == TRUE)) {
    header('location: login.php');

include './conexao.php';

$nome = $_SESSION['nome'];
$id = $_SESSION['id'];
$select = "SELECT pu.descricao "
        . "FROM perfil_usuario pu "
        . "INNER JOIN login lo ON lo.perfil = "
        . "WHERE = '$id'";
$result = mysqli_query($conexao, $select);
$linha = mysqli_fetch_array($result);

<div id="footer">
    <label id="label"><?php echo $nome . ' - ' . $linha['descricao'] ?></label>

I’m calling it that at the end of my html content:

<?php include './rodape.php'?>

If I take the snippet from include './connected.php'; it works without error.

  • Such a.php connection must have some space or other and must also have headers. See:

  • Exactly, the connection has a header with charset, how do I put the charset now?

  • Put before the space that should exist within your.php connection, see:

  • the session and headers must be started before any output from php to the screen. if you have any print or even a space before that, this error will be displayed.

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