View dialog screen to download with javascript


Viewed 376 times


I have an MVC project where there’s a button that does the download of files but when clicking the button opens a new guide in the browser and the files are automatically downloaded, as in the examples shown in this link:

My code works perfectly:
var url = "http://10.155.XXX.XXX/site_do_fornecedor/arquivo_para_download.aspx?id=" + 10 + '10/12/2019', "_Blank", "width=200, height=100");

But I would like the screen to be displayed diálogo where the user decides which directory to save the files in.


When I click the button download the javascript code described above is executed and a Chrome window is opened:
inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

How do I make this browser window not appear ?

I implemented the very interesting suggestion of Daniel Mendes:

function downloadMP3(_url, _strArrId, _data) {

    fetch(_url + _strArrId + "&Date=09/12/2019")
        .then(data => {
                .then(blob => {
                    const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
                    const link = document.createElement("a");
                    link.href = url;
           = url;
                .catch(error => {
        .catch(error => {

However the following error message was displayed:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

From what I see the destination URL has to enable the CORS that’s right ?

  • 1

    By pure code I think it is not possible to display the save dialog as. The only way I see is if the user installs an extension in the browser that allows the code to call the dialog through the API downloads.

1 answer



If you refer to the browser dialog that allows you to choose where to save the file, this is an option of the browser itself, where there is a configuration that the browser performs the donwload automatically, without displaying the dialog and saving in the folder also set in the settings of the same:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

There is the possibility of you creating your confirmation dialog, but with this, the user may end up having to confirm twice and you can not interfere in where the file will be saved.

For this confirmation, the javascript itself already has methods for this:

confirm("Efetuar o download?");

Now if the problem is your own dialog created by, you can refactor the code by removing its dialog and creating for example a tag <a> and click on it, see an example below:

function download() {
  .then(data => {
    .then(blob => {
      const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
      const link = document.createElement("a");

      link.href = url; = "63846dba2e2f.png";;
    .catch(error => {
  .catch(error => {
<button onclick="download()">Fazer download</button>

  • Hello @Daniel Mendes thanks for your collaboration, but it’s not really my question. I updated my post and added an image.

  • see that when I click the Download button a javascript is executed directing to a URL and a browser window opens.

  • @hard123 created an example download with javascript without using, I hope it helps you.

  • Thanks! @Daniel Mendes I will implement and then give a feedback here on the result !

  • I implemented your suggestion and the error returned to enable the CORS

  • 1

    This really needs to be seen, you need to see if you need to send some header too etc.

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