Using the for command in Javascript


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People, can you help me ? I am trying to get a function to be executed and to return the word "Blue" 4 times, through a Cycle. I tried to write this here, but it gave the following error

Referenceerror: imprimirAzul4 is not defined.

That’s the code I wrote:

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  function imprimirAzul4 () {
    return "Azul";

Can anyone tell me where it’s wrong?

  • Your code and your error have nothing to do with each other... which is to say I believe that this error comes from another version of code and not the one in question... you can put the complete code that gave that error?

  • Strange, that’s the code. follow: for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Function imprimirAzul4() { Return "Blue"; } } Error: Solution.js:29 var muki_query_result = printAzul4(); Referenceerror: printAzul4 is not defined

  • 1

    this error is from mumuki island, it has a lot of equal questions of this mumuki in a short period of time and of this function including

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2 answers


You have to declare the function before the go and call it as code below:

function imprimirAzul4() {
    return "Azul";

for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

Or puts the for inside the function:

function imprimirAzul4() {
    for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

imprimirAzul4(); // chamada da função


You can either do @Benilson answered declare the function outside of the looping, or call the function right after declaring, this technique is called self-executing Function which is basically a function that is executed soon after being declared.

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  (function imprimirAzul4() {

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