Play local video with HTML and Javascript


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Hello, I want to make a local player with HTML. I want to play locally, without uploading. I want to select a folder with music or video files and play randomly. Below follows my website with the demo:

I wanted this input instead of "Select File" to be "Select Folder", and after selecting it, I would click RANDOM and play a random file from the folder. The link shows how far I’ve come. Edit: when I select a file, instead of appearing the path, it appears "fakepath". There is no way to select the entire folder?

Follows my code:

    <div class="container">
        <input type="file" id="video" value="">
        <input type="button" id="random" value="RANDOM">
        <p id="urlText"></p>
        <video id="custom_video_play" width="400" controls="controls">>
            <source src="" type="video/mp4"> Browser Not Supporting

            const url = $("#video").val()

            $("#urlText").text("URL ("+ url + ")")
            $("source").attr('src', url)



1 answer



The way I know it, is you create the src the video with the aid of URL.createObjectURL, see an example below:

  const files = $("#video").prop("files");

  if ( files[0] ) {
    $("#custom_video_play").attr("src", URL.createObjectURL(files[0]));
    $("#urlText").text("URL ("+ files[0].name + ")");
<script src=""></script>

<div class="container">
    <input type="file" id="video" value="">
    <input type="button" id="random" value="RANDOM">
    <p id="urlText"></p>
    <video id="custom_video_play" width="400" controls="controls"></video>


Since not every file can be displayed, you can use the method canPlayType to check this before trying to play:

function mudou(file) { 
  const arquivo = file.files[0];

  if (arquivo) {
    const video = document.getElementById("custom_video_play");
    console.log( video.canPlayType(arquivo.type) );
<input type="file" id="video" value="" onchange="mudou(this)">
<video id="custom_video_play" width="400" controls="controls"></video>


It is also possible to create an input/file constraint to display only video files:

<input type="file" id="video" accept="video/*"/>


  • Good, great answer!

  • You’ve helped me, thank you!!

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