Android Googleapiclient


Viewed 102 times


I need to use the Googleapiclient class but I’m not getting it. I’ve already imported the lib from google-api-java-client, but from what I saw there is no package*.

This class is inside the GooglePlayServices? How do I update mine GooglePlayServicesLib?

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  • Are you using Eclipse or Android Studio? At first it comes inside the jar of GooglePlayServices yes. The tutorial been followed?

  • I’m using Eclipse, already followed those instructions. I realized that my Googleplayservices shows Android 2.2 . You know how I can update this?

  • 1

    As far as I know, I may be wrong, but Googleplayservices does not define your Compile level. You should go to the SDK Manager and download versions related to your minSDK and targetSDK. Also take a look if you don’t have any updates for Google Support Repositories or Google Play Services in the Extra area. If you can include an image of that statement from version 2.2.

  • Wakim, I had to update everything in the SDK Manager to show the option to update Google Play Services. Before it did not show option to update, it was in version 13. After I updated everything, even the ADT, ai yes showed the option to update Googleplayservices. Upgraded to version 21, I imported it back to my project and is now importing the package I needed. Thank you very much.

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