How to send inputs to Controller with dynamic "name"? (Codeigniter)


Viewed 23 times


I’m developing a quiz game, where the user has several input’s to fill.

Only that I am not able to develop the logic to perform the comparison of the entered data with the database data.

Follow the view:

   <div class="container text-center">
        echo form_open_multipart('questionario/gabarito');
    <?php foreach($imagens as $key=> $imagem):?>
    <div class="area-imagem position-relative">

        <div class="mb-3">
            <img src="<?php echo base_url('assets/upload/'.$imagem['caminhoImagem']) ?>" width="720" height="auto" style="border: 1px solid rgb(185, 182, 182, 185);"> 
        <?php foreach($imagem['marcacoes'] as $key=> $marcacao):?>
            <div class="ponto" id="<?=$marcacao['idMarcacao']?>" style="top:<?=$marcacao['coordY']?>px; left:<?=$marcacao['coordX']?>px"><b></b></div>
            <div class="form-group">
                <label for="<?=$marcacao['idMarcacao']?>"><b> - </b></label>
                <input name="<?=$marcacao['idMarcacao']?>" type="text">
        <?php endforeach;?>

    <?php endforeach;?>
    <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg mb-3" value="Finalizar">
        echo form_close(); 
  • Could you explain your problem better? Any errors? Expected input and output...

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