I click the save button to register a product in my database and nothing happens HTML + PHP


Viewed 158 times


I made a code in html + php to register products in my database, the connection class is working because the client registration works and I use the same include_once("connection.php"). The form is as post and the action for my record file.php.

When I click on Btnsalvar nothing happens, no error appears, nor register in the bank. Follow below the codes:

pgcadpro.php file (product registration)

error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
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<form class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="gravaproduto.php">
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<div class="form-group">
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  <label class="col-md-4 control-label" for="txtcodigo_unidade_id">Valor : </label>
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      <input type="text" id="txtvalor" name="txtvalor" onkeyup="maskIt(this,event,'###.###.###,##',true,{pre:'R$'})"/>
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File records product:

    $conn= new PDO("mysql:host=localhost:3306;dbname=loja","root","aula");


    $stmt = $conn->prepare('Insert into loja.produto(descricao,valor,idcategoria)

    $result = $stmt->execute($dados);
        echo ("Produto inserido com sucesso");
    } ?>

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            &copy; Copyright <strong>Imperial Calçados</strong>. Direitos Reservados <br /><br/>
                <input type="button" value="Voltar" onClick="history.go(-1)"style="color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #CC0000"> 
                <input type="button" value=" Sair  " onCLick="window.location.href = 'sair.php'" style="color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #CC0000"> 

Thank you!

1 answer


You have created multiple tags <form> (one inside the other) in your code. Keep only one, this one:

<form class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="gravaproduto.php">

Ps: try to close it properly with just one </form>

This tag form here is the problem, change it by a div:

<form name="teste">
  <input type="text" id="txtvalor" name="txtvalor" onkeyup="maskIt(this,event,'###.###.###,##',true,{pre:'R$'})"/>
  • Thanks Alexandre, I made the change but not yet saved in the database, now it updates the page, and using the developer tool (F12) vi that gave error in line DOCTYPE> Error: unchecked Runtime lasterror the message port closed before a Sponse was Received

  • Now it worked, was still with a lost form open, Obrgado

  • I’m glad it worked out.

  • Alexandre, I’m blocked from asking questions but I only have a percussion with -2 because this as duplicate, I can not exclude because it says that people have invested time with her and helped some... what to do?

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