Error mysql Duplicate entry ... for key "UNIQUE"


Viewed 205 times


Good Afternoon, I’m having trouble updating and inserting data into my mysql database, I’m making a php application but I’m not able to perform these update and Insert actions , follows the code image :

$qry_mysqli = "SELECT
                WHEN b.id_grupo IS NULL THEN 0
                AND g.descricao_grupo IS NOT NULL
                ELSE 1
                END status
                    grupo g
                LEFT JOIN base_conhecimento_grupo b ON (
                            b.id_grupo = g.id_grupo
                AND b.id_base = $id
                AND b.data_baixa IS NULL
                    g.ativo = 1
                    AND g.id_grupo IN ('".implode('\',\'',$lista_artigo)."')";

    //echo $qry_mysqli;
$result = mysqli_query($conexao,$qry_mysqli);

    //echo $qry_mysqli;


    while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result)){

        if ($row->status == 1){ // checa para ver se o status está ativo com o valor 1
                    $qry_update = "UPDATE base_conhecimento_grupo 
                                    SET id_grupo = '$row->id_grupo' , data_cadastro= sysdate() 
                                    WHERE id_base = $id ";
        echo $qry_update;
        mysqli_query($conexao , $qry_update) or die (mysqli_error($conexao));
    else{    //Realiza o incremento das informações no banco

                    $qry_inserir="  INSERT INTO 
                                    base_conhecimento_grupo (id_base,id_grupo,status,data_cadastro,id_usuario)
                                    //echo $qry_inserir;
                                   // mysqli_rollback($conexao);                  
                      mysqli_query($conexao,$qry_inserir) or die (mysqli_error($conexao));  
                   //  return;

When I test by the console appears this message:

UPDATE base_knowledge_group SET id_group = 'ADMTI' , data_cadastro= sysdate() WHERE id_base = 2 Duplicate entry '2-ADMTI' for key 'UNIQUE'


Duplicate entry '2-ADMLG' for key 'UNIQUE

  • 1

    the message is very clear, is inserting duplicate content ('2-ADMLG') in a field that is marked as 'UNIQUE'

  • I know, I was wondering what I have to change in the code to make her not insert the duplicate value

  • or you change the q comes from the variable or change your database by removing the UNIQUE option from the field in question

  • need to remove the field, can show the table structure? now if it is a key field will not give to insert duplicates

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