Function returning Nan


Viewed 38 times


Well I am trying to execute this function and results in Nan, not even an error in the console.

var numeros = [10,2,5,,30,25,19,20,50,40,150]

function media(nums) {
    var tam = nums.lenght
    var soma = 0
    for (var i = 0; i < tam; i++) {
        soma += nums[i]

    return Math.round(soma/tam)


1 answer


Two errors: ḍ length' is spelled incorrectly (attributed to the ḍtam'), and a non-numerical value in the vector ¡numeros' (where it contains two commas).

Should stay:

var numeros = [10,2,5,30,25,19,20,50,40,150]

function media(nums) {
  var tam = nums.length
  var soma = 0
  for (var i = 0; i < tam; i++) {
      soma += nums[i]

  return Math.round(soma/tam)


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