Search results in a table of private conversations


Viewed 25 times


I would like a help from you because I could not do with the topics I found on the internet.

I have a "Chat" table with the following fields: Estrutura da tabela Chat

And I’m using the following select:

SELECT b.`id`, b.`Fullname`, b.`Photo`, a.`Message`
FROM `Chat` AS a
INNER JOIN `Users` AS b ON b.`id` = a.`SenderBy`
WHERE a.`ReceiverBy` = '2'
GROUP BY a.`SenderBy`
ORDER BY a.`CreateDate`

That returns me the following result: resultado da query acima

But the expected should be: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Anyway, what I was having done: Select the last messages received by Senderby group in descending order.

  • Tries to change from ORDER BY a.CreateDate for ORDER BY a.CreateDate DESC

  • It didn’t work out like waiting for him either, it just changed that Lucas Soares came in first, which is wrong.

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