Installer with autoscoll


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Good morning. I’m creating an updater and I need to make every $rs run the scroll go down.

What is currently happening?

It’s a white screen, but it’s running, and when it’s over it’s all at once.

What would you like:

That you run each $rs, showing his echo and the scoll descends automatically when there are many lines.

My current code

<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {

<div id="mostrar1"> Aguarde, atualizando banco de dados, não feche</div>


    $rs1 = $mysqli->query("UPDATE ...;");
    if (!$rs1) {echo "<font color=\"#CC0000\"> - Versão do site<br>";}else {echo "<font color=\"#00CC00\"> - Versão do site. Sucesso!</font><br>";}

    $rs2 = $mysqli->query("INSERT .... ;");
    if (!$rs2) {echo "<font color=\"#CC0000\"> - Insert erro<br>";}else {echo "<font color=\"#00CC00\"> - Insert sucesso!</font><br>";}



<div id="mostrar2" class="display:none;"> Pronto! Banco de dados atualizado. APERTE F5, para recarregar a tela.</div>

<script type="text/javascript">

  • php only shows the final result, that is, all texts would appear at the end... What can be done is you make a jquer call one at a time and show the results as they are finished, there would be to do

  • @adventistaam how to make jquery call one at a time?

  • you do a backend in php, and on the page would call with jquery to call the respective actions

  • @adventistaam Theory I am aware of, but in practice, how to do? .. rsrs

  • You will have to work with ajax... can make an example for you to have an idea

  • It will help to have a north

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1 answer


You can make a php backend have this return, since PHP returns only when everything is ready..

Follow the suggestion:

var retorno = $('.retorno')
$('[botao]').on('click', function(){
     const aguarde = $('<p>Aguarde enquanto processamos seu pedido ...</p>')
     retorno.append( aguarde )

function update(){
     const update = $('<p style="color=\"#CC0000\"">- Versão do site</p>')
     retorno.append( update )
     }, 1500)

function insert(){
     const update = $('<p style="font color=\"#CC0000\"">- Insert erro</p>')
     retorno.append( update )
     }, 1500)

function done(){
     const update = $('<p> Pronto! Banco de dados atualizado. APERTE F5, para recarregar a tela</p>')
     retorno.append( update )
  <div class="retorno">
  <button botao>Clique</button>

Javascript functions:

In the function case update would be so:

function update(){
      url: 'seuArquivo.php',
      type: 'post',
      dataType: 'json',
      data: {
        id: 1,
        nome: 'Sei la',
        opcao: 'update'
   }).done( result => {
       const update = $('<p style="color=\"#CC0000\"">'+ result.msg +'</p>')
       retorno.append( update )

function inserir(){
      url: 'seuArquivo.php',
      type: 'post',
      dataType: 'json',
      data: {
        nome: 'Dado a inserir',
        opcao: 'inserir'
   }).done( result => {
       const insert = $('<p style="color=\"#CC0000\"">'+ result.version +'</p>')
       retorno.append( insert )

       const done = $('<p> Pronto! Banco de dados atualizado. APERTE F5, para recarregar a tela</p>')
        retorno.append( done )

In php yourqui.php

$_opcao = $_POST['opcao']

  case 'update':
      //Faça suas operações e retorne com echo json_encode
      $version = array('version' => '- Versão do site')
      echo json_encode( $version )
  case 'inserir':
     //Faça suas operações e retorne com echo json_encode
      $version = array('version' => 'Inserir result')
      echo json_encode( $version );

So that’s the suggestion.

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