Copy some columns from the same row, from all worksheets to the start sheet (first) if it meets the criteria


Viewed 57 times


I am doing a project where I need to find the variable in column Q of all worksheets valor procurado, and, if found this criterion, I need to copy the columns from L to Q of that row to the start sheet.

I tried two different ways. At first the error occurs on the line of set i:

    Sub CopiarProgrameAqui()
    Dim i As Range
    Dim primeiraLinha As Integer
    Dim linhaDestino As Integer
        linhaDestino = 1
    Dim plan As Object
    Dim valorProcurado As Double
        valorProcurado = 4.25

    For Each plan In Worksheets

        Set i = ActiveSheet.Range("Q:Q").Find(valorProcurado)
        primeiraLinha = i.Row
             ActiveSheet.Range("L" & i.Row & ":Q" & i.Row).Copy _
                                inicio.Range("AA" & linhaDestino)                              
            linhaDestino = linhaDestino + 1
            Set i = ActiveSheet.Range("Q:Q").FindNext(i)
        Loop While primeiraLinha < i.Row          
    End Sub

This second way, it finds, selects, but does not glue in the start sheet.

Sub copia()

Dim plan As Object
Dim valorProcurado As Double
    valorProcurado = 4.25

Dim ant As Range
Dim contar As Integer
    contar = 1

For Each plan In Worksheets

    Do While contar < 300
        If UCase(ActiveCell) = UCase(valorProcurado) Then
            Range(ActiveCell.Offset(0, -4), ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1)).Copy
            Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown).End(xlToRight)).Select
            ActiveCell.PasteSpecial xlValue

        End If
        contar = contar + 1
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select


End Sub

After corrections and reducing the amount of cells to be copied and pasted, was like this:

Sub testecopia()

Dim procurado As Double
    procurado = 4.25
Dim i As Long
    i = 0

For Each plan In Worksheets
    With plan.Range("q1:q500")
        Set c = .Find(procurado, LookIn:=xlValues)
        If Not c Is Nothing Then
            Endereco = c.Address
            Linha = c.Row
            i = i + 1


                c.Offset(-1, -4).Select

                Range("AA" & 1 + i).Select

                i = i + 1

                Set c = .FindNext(c)

            If c Is Nothing Then
                        GoTo DoneFinding
            End If
            Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddress
        End If

    End With


End Sub
  • Some problems with your code, but here’s how to use Find in this answer, try to declare lines like Long, i.e.: Dim linhaDestino As Long and you loop all the spreadsheets For Each plan In Worksheets but then use Select and the ActiveSheet, can exclude the plan.Select and use the object plan with Set i = plan.Range("Q:Q").Find(valorProcurado). Try avoid using Select and Active

  • Thanks for the touch, I will read about the use of select and Activate yes. Meanwhile, I’ve fixed some code errors and I’m able to copy and paste the data, but only from the first one that it finds. That is, findnext is not working. I will put the corrected code in the post

  • Change firstAddress for Endereco, see the link I sent you, the Find method is being used incorrectly.

  • And there’s redundancy in your code, there’s no need to DoneFinding:, since the same condition is being performed in while loop. You can use the DoneFinding: for other conditions and make error treatments...

  • Okay. It worked here, thank you very much

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