I’m doing a left Join where I want to pick up just what’s on the left table and there’s no right one.
I’m using LINQ and Entityframework. I made a code that takes the similarities, follows below:
var mQuery = from pessoa in clientes
from prod in produtos
on pessoa.grupo equals prod.grupo
Select New { pessoa.nome, prod.descricao }
Like I said, I’m training LINQ and Entity. I wanted a method that would necessarily do the opposite of equals. Note: the operator != did not work
o Linq no em left Join direto, é preciso usar alguns recursos, como agrupar e colocar nulo onde não encontrar, here is an example that can help you: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/linq/perform-left-outer-joins
– Ricardo Pontual
The model I picked up is from this link. My problem is not with left Join, which by the way, worked. But with the method of comparing objects
– Garota de Programas