What does the asterisk next to a letter in the vector argument, why this in the code?


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What about you guys? , I’m studying about vectors with the pygame python library and I don’t understand why an asterisk next to the letter A in the vector defined in the position variable down in the code. Can anyone explain to me the behavior of this in the code?

import pygame
import math

class Vector2():

    def __init__(self, x=0, y=0):

        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def __str__(self):

        return "(%s, %s)" %(self.x, self.y)

    def from_points(P1, P2):

        return Vector2 ( P2[0] - P1[0], P2[1] - P1[1] )

    def get_magnitude(self):

        return math.sqrt( self.x**2 + self.y**2 )

    def normalize(self):

        magnitude = self.get_magnitude()
        self.x /= magnitude
        self.y /= magnitude 

    def __add__(self, rhs): # rhs quer dizer Right Hand Side (Lado Direito)

        return Vector2(self.x + rhs.x , self.y + rhs.y)

    def __mul__(self, scalar):

        return Vector2(self.x * scalar, self.y * scalar)

    def __truediv__(self, scalar):

        return Vector2(self.x / scalar, self.y / scalar)

A = (10.0, 20.0)
B = (30.0, 35.0)
AB = Vector2.from_points(A, B)
step = AB * .1
position = Vector2(*A) # esse asterisco junto a letra A que não entendi 
for n in range(10):
    position += step
  • 1

    In short, he deconstructs the tuple by defining each value of A as a parameter of Vector2. It would be the equivalent of doing Vector2(A[0], A[1]) in that case.

  • Valew Woss, now the code makes sense to me. I’m not very experienced with python, but I’ve never seen it in python.

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