Decode received URL


Viewed 42 times


I’m working on integrating payments through, but I’m not able to decode their postback to process the returned information.

The return format is based on URL, I performed a url_decode() to better treat the information, in the end it gets like this:


My problem is in being able to use this information to perform the required validation, I would need to get the information from the field fingerprint and some others, but I’m not getting how I can accomplish this action.

I thought I’d try an array or something like that, but I wasn’t very successful.

I hope you can help me.

  • 1

    Have you tried the parse_str?

  • @Woss, not yet, I will search the doc to use it and see if I can. Thanks for the suggestion.

  • @Woss, it worked, I managed to manipulate. Thank you!!

1 answer


Hello, try using parse_str. Example

$str = "first=value&arr[]=foo+bar&arr[]=baz";
echo $first;  // value
echo $arr[0]; // foo bar
echo $arr[1]; // baz

parse_str($str, $output);
echo $output['first'];  // value
echo $output['arr'][0]; // foo bar
echo $output['arr'][1]; // baz

  • Thanks for the help João, I was messing with Woss' tip that was the parse_str also and it worked. Anyway, thanks for your help.

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