AJAX files post returning null


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I have following HTML:

<meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}" />

<form action="{{route('clinic.picture.add.ajax')}}" method="post" 
               enctype="multipart/form-data" id="pic-form">
        <input type="file" name="files" class="form-control form-control-sm" id="add-file">

When I select the image file I run the following script

    let form = $('#pic-form')[0];
    let data = new FormData(form);
   // pic.append('file', $('#add-file'))
        headers: {'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')},
        enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
        url: "{{asset('clinica/addPicture')}}",
        data: data,
        processData: false,
        contentType: false,
        cache: false,
        type: 'POST',
        success: function(data){

Rota do Laravel

Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth']], function () {
  Route::prefix('clinica')->group(function () {
    Route::post('/addPicture', 'Clinic\Dashboard\ClinicController@clinicAddPictureAjax')

Method in the controller

    public function clinicAddPictureAjax(Request $request)
        try {
            $data = ClinicPictureRepository::createClinicPictures($request,
            return response()->json($data, 200);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            return response()->json($e->getMessage(), 500);

However when I execute the request to the server it is pointed out that nothing is being sent, this is the log shown in the Standard.

[2019-10-29 12:51:57] local.ALERT: array (

Would anyone know what’s wrong in the relationship?

1 answer



thus in its

    headers: {
        'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')

this configuration is global in your application and having no more need to use it in all codes, do this routine in a place that will be seen by your other codes . Reference: Laravel csrf token Mismatch for ajax POST Request

The other part of the problem can be solved so by following that <form/>:

$('#pic-form').on('submit', function(event){
   url:"{{ route('clinic.picture.add.ajax') }}",
   data:new FormData(this),
   contentType: false,
   cache: false,
   processData: false,

Reference: Upload Image in Laravel using Ajax

This way you will solve the problems, in your original code, have wrong and unnecessary settings, which ultimately cause problems in sending the data.

  • Unfortunately this way the request to the server did not even occur...

  • What is the browser window debug error by pressing F12 console tab? @Betinio.Heleno

  • In Laravel&#Xa PHP;php&#xA;array (&#xA; '_token' => '7shXUmsknBVwilpavXqmJe1gyBjlS2hnKhINHtpZ',&#xA; 'files' => &#xA; Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile::__set_state(array(&#xA; 'test' => false,&#xA; 'originalName' => 'download.jpg',&#xA; 'mimeType' => 'image/jpeg',&#xA; 'error' => 0,&#xA; 'hashName' => NULL,&#xA; )),&#xA;)&#xA;

  • No js returns a { } just.... It seems that you are not sending us Multipart/form-data mode',

  • 1

    You were right... It happened that in HTML I forgot to put the name="files[]" so as to understand that it was an array, since my method in the Repository to save is foreach on top of several imanges.. Thank you, your answer was completely correct

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