Run code after first lines


Viewed 27 times


Good afternoon, you guys! I’m trying to solve a little bug here from a scritp I made for a site, I’m beginner yet and I’m not able to solve.

What happens is: I need the code to run only after this line because there is no time for the elements to run

$( "#filtro-belem" ).load( "" );
$( "#filtro-belem" ).load( "" );

(function() {
const category = document.getElementById("category")
const width = document.getElementById("width")
const profile = document.getElementById("profile")
const wheel = document.getElementById("wheel")

const nextTypes = {
  category: width,
  width: profile,
  profile: wheel

function handleFilterType(type) {
    return () => {
        const { id, value } = type
        const currentOption = type.querySelector(`option[value='${value}']`).innerText

        const nextType = nextTypes[id]
        const options = nextType.querySelectorAll("option")

        options.forEach((option) => {
          if (!option.dataset || !option.dataset.relation) return null
          const acceptedTypes = option.dataset.relation.split("-")

          option.hidden = !acceptedTypes.includes(currentOption)

category.addEventListener("change", handleFilterType(category))
width.addEventListener("change", handleFilterType(width))
profile.addEventListener("change", handleFilterType(profile))

1 answer


That method .load() accepts a function as the second or third argument that will use as callback when the .load ran.

So instead of using that IIFE you can put that code inside that callback:

$("#filtro-belem").load("", function() {
  const category = document.getElementById("category")
  const width = document.getElementById("width")
  const profile = document.getElementById("profile")
  const wheel = document.getElementById("wheel")

  const nextTypes = {
    category: width,
    width: profile,
    profile: wheel

  function handleFilterType(type) {
    return () => {
      const {
      } = type
      const currentOption = type.querySelector(`option[value='${value}']`).innerText

      const nextType = nextTypes[id]
      const options = nextType.querySelectorAll("option")

      options.forEach((option) => {
        if (!option.dataset || !option.dataset.relation) return null
        const acceptedTypes = option.dataset.relation.split("-")

        option.hidden = !acceptedTypes.includes(currentOption)

  category.addEventListener("change", handleFilterType(category))
  width.addEventListener("change", handleFilterType(width))
  profile.addEventListener("change", handleFilterType(profile))
  • Wow, thank you so much! It worked perfectly! If it’s not too much to ask, I would have one more question. I have two codes of this on the same page. But JS is only applying to one of them. Would you have any idea how I can do?

  • @Kaioalmeida are both pointed to #filtro-belem? or the other has another selector?

  • The two are marked with #filter-Belem. I have this same html on other pages. I’m trying to solve this part trying to pull with JS or something so I don’t have to copy the same code to the other pages, but one step at a time

  • @Kaioalmeida if you have both pointing to #filtro-belem they will overwrite each other... Ids have to be unique in HTML. Puts another ID instead of #filtro-belem...

  • Wow, no. I got it wrong anyway.. Actually, what’s being pulled twice is the.html filter file. JS is loading several times the page. Sorry for my error

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