I need to copy a value that is in "value". I am using Eclipse Java Selenium Library


Viewed 370 times


This is the html:

input name="nr_proposta" type="text" value="52367" data-mask="9?99999999" data-mask-placeholder=" " class="form-control apagar" id="nr_proposta"

In java I’m doing so:

WebElement nrProposta = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("div:nth-child(5) > div:nth-child(1)"));
WebElement nrProposta2 = driver.findElement(By.name("nr_proposta"));

System.out.println("N Proposta:       " + nrProposta.getText());         
System.out.println("N Proposta:2      " + nrProposta2.getText());

This way returns to me null or blank...

When I use nrProposta.getAttribute("value"); he returns me null.

  • when you give nrProposta.toString() it returns the whole tag?

1 answer


You have 2 ways, can try to catch what is visible in the element with the


which I believe in your case will suffice.

or take an element attribute with the `



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