Good morning, I have a code that inserts images with a looping (for the user to insert at most 5 images), now the 5 images are as mandatory but I wanted to leave only one mandatory and the rest optional.
<div class="crowd-field-wrap">
<label><?php _e('Fotos', 'crowd'); ?> <em><?php _e('(Adicione 5 fotos, uma delas com seu logo ou foto pessoal para aparecer no seu cadastro.)', 'crowd'); ?></em>
<?php for ($i = 0; $i < CROWD_PLUGIN_MAX_IMAGES; $i++) : ?>
<div class="crowd-file-upload">
<div class="crowd-file-upload-box">
<input type="file" name="location_image[]" value="" required/>
<span><?php _e('Clique e envie sua foto', 'crowd'); ?></span>
<div class="crowd-file-upload-image"></div>
<a class="crowd-file-upload-trigger"></a>
</div><!-- /.crowd-file-upload-box -->
</div><!-- /.crowd-file-upload -->
<?php endfor; ?>
</div><!-- /.crowd-field-wrap -->