Angularjs indexof de Object


Viewed 955 times


Every time I select a Bundle, add in an array, example:

Items are some data I picked up, I just passed a few for testing

var items = [755, 20, "E", 274] 

$scope.selectBundle = function(){

    var info = {
        cod: items[3],
        bundle: items[0],
        espessura: items[1],
        classificacao: items[2]
    // Passa as informações para o cart

    // Fecha o modal

Whenever I click to open a new modal, "items" change values and adds in the selected.

What I want and am not getting is if in the next modal I open, check if there is already the Bundle information in the array to leave the select button disabled

Example: I did similar to my code to show as example.

Some parts of my JS file are like this at the moment:$rootScope, $http){

    $rootScope.cod_mercad = null;

    $rootScope.selectedBundle = [];

app.controller('mainController', function($scope, $rootScope, $http, $location, $modal){

    $ = function (bundle, espessura, classificacao, codigo) {

        $scope.items = [bundle, espessura, classificacao, codigo];

        // console.log($scope.items);
        var modalInstance = ${
            templateUrl: 'rotas/modal', // Endereço da view modal
            windowClass: 'full',
            size: 'lg',
            controller: 'modalController',
            resolve: {
                items: function () {
                    return $scope.items;

// Controller que define todo o modal
app.controller('modalController', function($scope, $http,$modalInstance, $rootScope, items){

    // Busca as informações do bundle passando os dados
    $'/ajax/bundle', {'items':items}).success(function(data){

        $scope.dados = data['dados'];
        $scope.nchapas = data['chapas'];
        $scope.imagens = data['imagens'];

        // Define o tamanho da div que mostra as imagens secundarias
        // (Total de imagens + imagem principal) * tamanho de cada bloco somando com margin + padding do conteudo
        var width = $scope.imagens.length * 215 + 30;

    // Seleção de bundle
    $scope.selectBundle = function() {

        var info = {
            cod: items[3],
            bundle: items[0],
            espessura: items[1],
            classificacao: items[2]
        // Passa as informações para o cart

        // Fecha o modal
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1 answer


I solved the problem in such a simple way.

// Percorre todos os itens selecionados
angular.forEach($rootScope.selectedBundle,function(value, key){
    // Informa ao botão quais bundles são verdadeiros
    $rootScope.selectBundleButton[value] = true;

And in the modal I leave the following

<a href="#" ng-show="!selectBundleButton[items]" ng-click="selectBundle()"> Selecionar bundle </a>

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