How to break the line in a string in VBA?


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I’m having a hard time putting a line break inside an automated email text by macro.

I create the e-mail with the following Cód:

    "Necessitamos dos extratos do mês de " & Format((Month(Now) - 1), "mmm") & " das seguintes contas: " & vbNewLine & _
    vbNewLine & "  Empresa: " & empresa1 & "  CNPJ: " & cnpj1 & vbNewLine & _
    tipoConta & vbNewLine & "  Conta: " & conta1 & "  Agência:  " & agencia1 & _
    vbNewLine & "  Empresa: " & empresa2 & "  CNPJ: " & cnpj2 & vbNewLine & _
    tipoConta & " : " & vbNewLine & "  Conta: " & conta2 & "  Agência:  " & agencia2 & _
    vbNewLine & _
    vbNewLine & _
    vbNewLine & _
    "<FONT SIZE = 1.1><b>Essa mensagem foi gerada automáticamente e pode conter dados privados.</p></b>" & vbNewLinee & _
    "<FONT SIZE = 1><b>E-mail gerado por Amadeu Gustavo | 55 5555-5555</p></b>"

I put the key after the line break to better visualize

and the generated email respects only one of the line break commands: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Is your email being sent as? HTML or Text? If it is with .HtmlBody, you should use html line breaks, such as <br>

  • worked well! if it is in text, I use the command vbnewline?

  • I’ve never done it in text, but I think it would work. Or use Chr(10) which is the vbLf or the Chr(13) which is the vbCr

  • beauty! thank you!

1 answer


Use the tag <br> for line breaking because email accepts simple html. Another alternative is to use ansi code "essa parte nao sei se vai funcionar" chr(13) which is equal to enter.

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