Are both error treatments the same?


Viewed 43 times


I have a great doubt regarding a visualized code regarding the handling of errors, I have 2 options for handling errors, one is being used a lot in a system that I am doing, and the other is the try and catch. Both examples are being made in PHP using framework Laravel.

First example:

 $variavel = Model::where('id',$id)->first()->delete(); 
        alert()->success('Sucesso!', ' removido com sucesso');
        return back();
        alert()->error('Erro!', 'Erro ao remover!');
        return back();

Now using the Try and the catch


    alert()->success('Sucesso!', ' removido com sucesso');
    return back();
}catch(Exception $e){
      alert()->error('Erro!', 'Erro ao remover!');
      return back();

Between the two examples, is there any difference regarding the handling of errors? Both are correct ways to do the handling of errors?

1 answer


Central way to remove record with Laravel:

public function destroy($id){

   $model = Model::findOrFail($id);


   alert()->success('Sucesso!', ' removido com sucesso');

   return redirect()->back();   

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