Whenever I update user data, returns me the wrong time, for example:
I updated the user profile at 16:41, but in my database it appears like this 2019-10-15 16:10:53
I’m using mysql along with phpmyadmin
This is my data update array
$data = array(
'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d : H:m:s', time()),
What is the date and time of the machine the database is on?
– Felipe Avelar
I set php.ini to America/Sao_paulo format, but it still keeps to the wrong time.
– Mike Otharan
Come on. Mysql takes the time and Timezone set on the server and calculates the time difference. First check that the time set on the server is correct.
– Marco Quintella
But what computer time is Mysql on? The time is correct?
– Felipe Avelar