Postgres/Mysql Changing the data of a repeating field


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Good morning I have the "areas" table, In it I have the column "f_name"

I want to transform the "f_name" column to Unique id. However, there are repeated data currently.

I need an Sql command where I scan this column and when I find repeated change to the current data followed by character 2. Example:

Andre Machado -> alters to Andre Machado2

The Unique Id code I already have, I will apply right after the change:

ALTER TABLE areas ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name UNIQUE (f_name);

Note. Due to the complexity, the result is also accepted by changing all those that are repeated to an alteatous number at the end. Example: "André Machado 8989", and "André Machado 7436", without making a difference between the data of the first field and the data of the second field, facilitating.

I imagine it would be a similar sql:

update table set f_name = f_name || ' ' || Rand(1111,9999) Where Count(f_name) = 2

I need for postgres, but can be in mysql!

  • Êta gambiarra! It would not be better to correct the system and change the incorrect data already registered to the correct value?

  • My scenario would have worked better with sql code before applying the Unique id constrant. But I understand your suggestion, it would be an option.

  • For Postgresql you can develop a procedure in PL/pgsql where you loop: FOR target IN query LOOP statements END LOOP; and go incrementing an auxiliary variable and running a dynamic command for each update. Look at the documentation. In your example note that nothing prevents the function Rand to repeat a number in the range and, I believe, you should use the clause HAVING and not WHERE.

1 answer


Try this:

f_name = f_name || f_id 
where f_name in
(SELECT f_name FROM table  GROUP BY f_name HAVING COUNT(f_name) > 1);

It’s not the best solution, because it takes all the records, including the first one, but it will be able to unlock the Sprint.

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