Hello, good evening ! I am trying to create a score for a game, where it contains two different types of scores 2 and 5 points. My biggest problem is that I can’t constantly update the score value with every click on Submit. The value is only replaced instead of adding with itself.I know the question is stupid but I really need help ! Thank you.
//Global variables
let randomRound;
//Logica do button-start-game
.querySelector(".button-start-game").addEventListener("click",function() {
document.querySelector(".button-submit").style.display = "block";
document.querySelector(".button-next-round").style.display = "block";
document.querySelector(".button-start-game").style.display = "none";
document.querySelector(".button-next-round").style.position = "relative";
document.querySelector(".button-next-round").style.left = "150px";
document.querySelector(".button-submit").style.position = "relative";
document.querySelector(".button-submit").style.left = "150px";
// Logica do button-next-round
document.querySelector(".button-next-round").addEventListener("click", function() {
// randomiza um numero
//1.Gera um round aleatorio
//2. Mostra o round dentro da label
document.getElementById("button-submit").disabled = false;
function refresh() {
document.getElementById("input-0").value = "";
document.getElementById("input-1").value = "";
// Logica do button-submit
document.querySelector(".button-submit").addEventListener("click", function() {
//1. Compara o Input com o Random round
//2. Mostra uma ponntuacao baseada nessa comparacao
//3. Atualiza o Score
if (document.getElementById("input-0").value == "" && document.getElementById("input-0").value == "") {
alert("Preencha o campo");
} else {
let firstInput = document.getElementById("input-0").value;
let secondInput = document.getElementById("input-1").value;
checker(firstInput, secondInput);
// Função que inicia o game
function init() {
roundScore = [0];
document.querySelector(".button-start-game").style.position = "relative";
document.querySelector(".button-start-game").style.left = "300px";
document.querySelector(".button-submit").style.display = "none";
document.querySelector(".button-next-round").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("input-0").value = "";
document.getElementById("input-1").value = "";
document.getElementById("score-0").textContent = "0";
function randomRounds(round) {
randomRound = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1) + 1;
console.log("%c Rounds Function", "color:Orange; font-weigth:bold;");
if (randomRound === 1) {
console.log("%c Rounds1", "color:red; font-weigth:bold;");
document.getElementById("place-holder-1").textContent = "2³";
document.getElementById("place-holder-2").textContent = "3²";
document.getElementById("place-holder-3").textContent = "1¹";
} else if (randomRound === 2) {
console.log("%c Rounds2", "color:red; font-weigth:bold;");
document.getElementById("place-holder-1").textContent = "(-2)²";
document.getElementById("place-holder-2").textContent = "4¹";
document.getElementById("place-holder-3").textContent = "1⁴";
} else if (randomRound === 3) {
console.log("%c Rounds3", "color:red; font-weigth:bold;");
document.getElementById("place-holder-1").textContent = "(2²)³";
document.getElementById("place-holder-2").textContent = "2⁴.2²";
document.getElementById("place-holder-3").textContent = "(2³)²";
} else if (randomRound === 4) {
console.log("%c Rounds4", "color:red; font-weigth:bold;");
document.getElementById("place-holder-1").textContent = "5³:5^-1";
document.getElementById("place-holder-2").textContent = "5²";
document.getElementById("place-holder-3").textContent = "25^-1";
} else if (randomRound === 5) {
console.log("%c Rounds5", "color:red; font-weigth:bold;");
document.getElementById("place-holder-1").textContent = "(3.10²) + (4.10²)";
document.getElementById("place-holder-2").textContent = "7.10²";
document.getElementById("place-holder-3").textContent = "7.10⁴";
} else if (randomRound === 6) {
console.log("%c Rounds6", "color:red; font-weigth:bold;");
document.getElementById("place-holder-1").textContent = "(6.10)² . (2.10)⁴";
document.getElementById("place-holder-2").textContent = "12.10⁴";
document.getElementById("place-holder-3").textContent = "(12.10⁵):10¹";
} else if (randomRound === 7) {
console.log("%c Rounds7", "color:red; font-weigth:bold;");
document.getElementById("place-holder-1").textContent = "0,0000001";
document.getElementById("place-holder-2").textContent = "10^-8";
document.getElementById("place-holder-3").textContent = "1/10^9";
} else if (randomRound === 8) {
console.log("%c Rounds8", "color:red; font-weigth:bold;");
document.getElementById("place-holder-1").textContent = "2.0,001";
document.getElementById("place-holder-2").textContent = "0,002";
document.getElementById("place-holder-3").textContent = "2.10^-3";
} else if (randomRound === 9) {
console.log("%c Rounds9", "color:red; font-weigth:bold;");
document.getElementById("place-holder-1").textContent = "250 000";
document.getElementById("place-holder-2").textContent = "0,25.10⁷ ";
document.getElementById("place-holder-3").textContent = "25.10⁵";
} else if (randomRound === 10) {
console.log("%c Rounds10", "color:red; font-weigth:bold;");
document.getElementById("place-holder-1").textContent = "100²:10³";
document.getElementById("place-holder-2").textContent = "1/10^-1";
document.getElementById("place-holder-3").textContent = "10^-2";
} else {
console.log("Not a Round !");
function scoreCopy(src) {
return Object.assign({}, src);
function checker(input1, input2) {
let valueA =0;
let valueB=0;
const score = { a: valueA, b: valueB };
const newScore = scoreCopy(score);
if (input1 === "<" && input2 === "<") {
console.log("%c Adiciona 5", "color:Purple; font-weigth:bold;");
score.a = score.a +5;
document.getElementById("score-0").innerHTML = score.a;
document.getElementById("button-submit").disabled = true;
} else if (input1 === "<" || input2 === "<") {
console.log("%c Adiciona 2", "color:Purple; font-weigth:bold;");
score.b = score.b +2;
document.getElementById("score-0").innerHTML = score.b;
document.getElementById("button-submit").disabled = true;
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width: 290px;
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<title>Match Game</title>
<div class="grid">
<h1>Match Game</h1>
<div class="sinais">Sinais</div>
<div class="head">></div>
<div class="middle">=</div>
<div class="bottom"><</div>
<div class="grid-game">
<div class="place-holder" id="place-holder-1">A</div>
<input type="text" class="input-0" id="input-0" />
<div class="place-holder" id="place-holder-2">B</div>
<input type="text" class="input-1" id="input-1" />
<div class="place-holder" id="place-holder-3">C</div>
<div class="grid-buttons">
<button class="button-submit" id="button-submit">Submit</button>
<button class="button-start-game">Start Game</button>
<button class="button-next-round">Next Round</button>
<div class="score-grid">
<div class="score">Score</div>
<div class="score-field" id="score-0">0</div>
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I haven’t read all your code, but if you’re using a Ubmit button, it won’t post the page, which causes the Reload and loses the score counters? it really needs to be a Ubmit, or it could be a simple button?
– Ricardo Pontual
Hello, Ricardo . It can be just any button , as long as the score is stored and the value updated. Ex : one round I shoot 5 and the other I shoot 2 so in the third round I have to have 7.
– Glauco Lustosa