Count column data and reset after Cpf exchange


Viewed 46 times


I have the following columns in the table eventos (nome_hosp,cpf_hosp,parametro_evento, data).

What I need to do is, where the column value parametro_evento = 1, perform a line count by separating by CPF, that is, by people.

For example:

  • If you have 03 data with CPF(fictional number) equal to 1

It will print me: CPF:1 total: 3

  • If you have 03 data with CPF=1 and 02 data with CPF=2

He’ll print me out: CPF: 1 total:3 CPF: 2 total: 1

Table image

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

What’s been returning to me:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

What I would like to return would be, in place of "Joao" the BPM would be only 1, because according to the database it only has an occurrence with parameter 1 and not 3.


$result_transacoes = "SELECT * FROM  eventos WHERE (timestamp_evento BETWEEN '$de' AND '$ate') GROUP BY cpf_hospede";
$resultado_trasacoes = mysqli_query($conecta, $result_transacoes);
while($row_transacoes = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultado_trasacoes)){
    if($row_transacoes['parametro_evento'] == '1') {
        $result = mysqli_query($conecta,"SELECT count(*) as total from eventos GROUP BY cpf_hospede");
        $data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
        $num_bpms= $data['total'];

I believed that if I made one group by that would solve my problem, but not.

  • In your first SELECT you did not inform the aggregation function. In your second SELECT you the aggregation function and the GROUP BY clause but do not list the field by which you are aggregating. That way I have no idea how you unite the information of the two SELECT.

  • Could you explain better? I did GROUP BY at 1° and 2° select

1 answer


From what I understand your problem is more in the matter of mounting SQL.

I created an example here, where you can test the solution


Let’s imagine the following structure of your table

create table eventos(
  id integer,
  nome varchar(50),
  cpf varchar(50),
  parametro integer);

With the following records

 insert into eventos values (1, 'Joao', '123', 1);
 insert into eventos values (2, 'Joao', '123', 1);
 insert into eventos values (3, 'Joao', '123', 1);
 insert into eventos values (3, 'Joao', '123', 0);
 insert into eventos values (4, 'Maria', '321', 1);
 insert into eventos values (5, 'Maria', '321', 1);
 insert into eventos values (6, 'Matheus', '222', 1);

Now to bring the data you want, we can do everything in a single SQL, as follows

select nome
      ,count(if(parametro = 1, 1, null)) as TOTAL
  from eventos
 group by cpf

That way you could get the result you want with a single SQL, just tailor your PHP programming now.


count(if(parametro = 1, 1, null)) as TOTAL this part, will count all the records that have the parametro equal to 1, ignoring anything other than 1 setando null so that the function does not account for the same.


I don’t have much knowledge with PHP and what I know is targeted with PDO, but this example can give you a light on how to apply to your case:

$result_transacoes   = "SELECT nome_hospede, cpf_hospede, count(if(parametro_evento = 1, 1, null)) as bpm FROM eventos WHERE (timestamp_evento BETWEEN '$de' AND '$ate') GROUP BY cpf_hospede";
$resultado_trasacoes = mysqli_query($conecta, $result_transacoes);

while($row_transacoes = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultado_trasacoes)){
    $nome= $row_transacoes['nome_hospede'];
    $cpf= $row_transacoes['cpf_hospede'];
    $num_bpms= $row_transacoes['bpm'];


Each time the loop comes, the variables will be implemented with the value referring to the current line of your query. The variable $total_bpm will be added with the BPM value of each line to return the total of Bpms for all records returned.

  • Matheus, in this case, the value of the parameter varies from 1-6, the code would be the same? is returning me the following error.: Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects Parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool Given in C: xampp htdocs swc testapdf.php on line 49 Line 48$result = mysqli_query($conecta,"select nome_hospede,cpf_hospede,count(if(parametro = 1, 1, null)) as total from eventos group by cpf_hospede");
 Line 49:$data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);

  • 1

    @Joãovitor check the section EDITED of my reply, I have put a supplement that can help you.

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