I’m a beginner in Node.js and I’m trying to understand why I can’t bring the expected result of my API.
I have an application that sends an array of data to an API on Node to be saved to the database.
When I receive this data I need to check if each of them is saved in my database db.buscaPorId()
. If each record is not saved, a function db.salva()
saves each of these new records at the bank.
At the end of this process I would like to return all data (new and old) to my application.
The problem is at the time of giving a GET on all records after foreach, as it does not return the last data that has just been saved. Only those who were previously saved...
What I tried is in the code below.
What would be the best way to solve this? I’m studying Precedents but I still can’t quite understand how to put it into practice in my code. Note: the code is probably full of flaws, so if someone can give me a tip to improve it would be nice :)
Function of the route
sincroniza(app) {
return function (req, res) {
const dadosApp = req.body;
const conexao = app.persistencia.ConexaoDb();
const db = new app.persistencia.PontoDao(conexao);
if(dadosApp !== ""){
console.log('recebendo dados');
dadosApp.forEach(dado =>{
if(resultado == '' || resultado == undefined || resultado.length == 0){
dado.sync = 1;
res.send('falha ao salvar os dados')
//não retorna os últimos dados salvos
comics functions
function PontoDao(conn){
this._conn = conn;
PontoDao.prototype.salva = function(ponto,callback){
this._conn.query('INSERT INTO ponto SET ?', ponto, callback);
PontoDao.prototype.atualiza = function(ponto,callback) {
this._conn.query('UPDATE ponto SET sync = ? where id = ?', [ponto.sync, ponto.id], callback);
PontoDao.prototype.lista = function(callback) {
this._conn.query('SELECT * from ponto',callback);
PontoDao.prototype.buscaPorId = function (id,callback) {
this._conn.query("select * from ponto where uuid = ?",[id],callback);
module.exports = function(){
return PontoDao;
Very good your answer, @Sergio . I figured I could settle with Promise, so I put it in the title. Now I have a starting point to study better and finish my code. Something I’m trying to understand is what this line does exactly? Let preSaving = [Promise.resolve()];
– dmg Geronimo
@dmgGeronimo case the
if (dadosApp !== "") {
is nottrue
then thePromise.all
(that accepts an array) will consume an empty and solved Pormise with[Promise.resolve()];
. Makes sense?– Sergio