Live Reload not working at the Expo


Viewed 326 times


When emulating an app made with expo on Genymotion, the live Reload do Expo does not work, the options menu is not even open (either using the action of shaking the smartphone or pressing the button for this). Among the systems I’ve used Expo + genymotion to emulate, had not happened this, only on Mac OS gave problem.
Solutions I have tried:

  • Install Watchman
  • Run on a physical device (not even there the menu opens)
  • "Clear" the node_modules by erasing and reinstalling
  • Update expo-cli

None of these options worked.

  • is running the project from Xcode?

  • No, but I’ve solved it.

1 answer


As embarrassing and idiotic as this is, I found the solution. Was in the mode of production, so there was no live or hot Reload.

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